School Wide Expectaions


● Treat other students and staff with dignity and respect. Follow directions from adults the first time they are given.

● Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself and avoid behavior that is disruptive. Do not engage in horseplay or rough play. Public displays of affection such as kissing are not allowed.

● Respect yourself, school property, individual property, and the rights of others – no insults, “put downs,” racial slurs, threats, profanity or obscenity in any language will be tolerated.

● Do your own work (no cheating or plagiarism).

● Selling or negotiating the selling of items at school that are not sanctioned by the school is prohibited

● No running on campus (except in P.E. or when involved in an activity)

● No weapons or dangerous objects allowed Any weapon or item that can potentially injure someone or resembles a real weapon is strictly forbidden at school. Masks and/or items depicted as weapons as part/s of Halloween costumes are also not allowed.

● Be prepared for your classes. Bring all necessary materials: Student Agenda book, homework, paper, writing utensils and class specific items with you daily. If students need supplies they should speak to their Assistant Principal or Counselor for assistance.

● Be inside the classroom when the tardy bell sounds. This is a minimum requirement and individual class rules may be stricter. Check the teacher's syllabus.

● At the end of the period, do not leave class until the teacher dismisses you.

● Students are not to leave class at any time without a pass.