Sculpture & Ceramics

Sculpture and Ceramics

Grade level(s): 9 thru 12

Meets UC/CSU subject area: f

Prerequisite(s): None

Description: Students who enjoyed creating papier-mâché and ceramic sculpture in Art 1 can further develop their sculpting skills. Clay, cardboard, found-objects, and papier-mâché are some of the materials used. 

This course includes an introduction to the potter’s wheel and traditional ceramics

Credit: 10 credits/year

Footnote(s): Lab donation may be requested.

Code: 60612 

Sculpture 2

Grade level(s): 9 thru 12

Meets UC/CSU subject area: f

Prerequisite(s): Sculpture and Ceramics

Description: Sculpture 2 is designed for the second year sculpture student. Students will further their knowledge of three-dimensional art through a rich study in both observational and conceptual projects. Students will participate in a wide range of experiences including research and critiques. Students will study clay, papier-mâché and found objects as sculptural materials. 

This course includes further instruction on the potter’s wheel and traditional/funk ceramics

Credit: 10 credits/year

Footnote(s): Lab donation may be requested.

Code: 60614