
Digital Photography 1

All Digital Photography classes are MVROP classes offered on Irvington's Campus.  Digital Photography 1 is a CTE class that focuses on learning beginning technical and fine art photography skills and understanding.  

Students will design and construct powerful images in order to authentically engage and tell their own personal narratives/stories and current events. Students will be introduced to the greater marketing industry through the use of photography in advertising, and learn CTE industry skills such as outdoor, studio, and product photography. Students also get to experience Alternative Processes in Photography such as Silver Gelatin Darkroom Processes + Cyanotype Processes. Students will also learn about relevant art history & contemporary artists. Students are able to check out cameras off campus, and use our brand new professional photography studio for their projects. 


No experience necessary for Digital Photography 1.

College Credit: 

Since this is an MVROP/CTE class, students that earn a B or better in Digital Photography 1, 2, 3 can earn 1 unit of college credit from Mission College for the F category in General Education. 

UC/CSU A-G Courses: meets the Area F (Visual and Performing Arts requirement)

Digital Photography 2

All Digital Photography classes are MVROP classes offered on Irvington's Campus.  Digital Photography 2 is a CTE class that focuses on building upon technical and fine art photography skills and understanding that were taught in Digital Photography 1.

Students will create series of images that either focus on: storytelling, marketing/advertisement, stop motion animations, and documentation. Students will be introduced to more advanced Studio Lighting Practices,  Darkroom Practices, and Photoshop Practices. Students will learn some more relevant art history & contemporary artists. Students have the opportunity to physically print images for every single assignment. Students also have more of a choice in this class VS. Digital Photography 1.


Digital Photography 2 requires that you take Digital Photography 1 first. There is no option to submit a portfolio to get into Digital Photography 2, as the students need basic Darkroom & Professional Studio Lighting experience.

College Credit: 

Since this is an MVROP/CTE class, students that earn a B or better in Digital Photography 1, 2, 3 can earn 1 unit of college credit from Mission College for the F category in General Education. 

UC/CSU A-G Courses: meets the Area F (Visual and Performing Arts requirement)

Photography Studio

In our Photography Studio we have: cloth backdrops, backdrop stands, product shooting tables, various smaller paper backdrops used for product/food photography, studio lights with continuous lighting, and various props for students to use.


Irvington is the only school in FUSD that has a fully operational Darkroom. Here in the photograph is a small portion of the Darkroom. This is where students develop Silver Gelatin photographic prints.  They also get to load & develop their own black & white film.