Reference Resources

This resource provides readers with key data to understand the roots of the issues that make contemporary migration and immigration so contentious around the globe. It explores the social, political, and cultural factors that impact, and are affected by, immigration and human migration, and includes such hot-button topics as undocumented immigration/unauthorized residents, asylum seekers, refugees, the refugee crisis in Europe, and more.

It is always best to start your search in a general encyclopedia to determine key words and ideas you will use in your research.

Calisphere is the University of California’s free public gateway to a world of digitized primary sources. Easy to use! Calisphere contains more than 150,000 photographs, documents and works of art.

This is an online encyclopedia that is written and edited by experts.

This virtual museum is run by University of California, Berkeley and holds a collection of resources created by the first anthropologist to study the peoples of California.