BB monday 8/21/23

First worksheet (Due Wednesday):

Click the picture above, then use the arrows to browse through the instruments. Where you able to name all the them without looking at the captions?  Watch the above video again to get a better idea of what they sound like.  Do you know which one you want to learn?

Here are some other things you need to know before you decide:

Flute:  This is a common choice.  It looks light and easy to play, but it is actually rather heavy to hold up and is one of the more difficult instruments. It also takes as much air as a tuba.

Clarinet:  This is another common choice.  A fairly complex key system. Plays both low and high. Very competitive to get into a higher band at Horner with.

Oboe:  Wonderful sounding instrument. Gets lots of solos. It is better if you have already played something before like clarinet. You could always start out with clarinet then switch. If you are a super neat and precise person, you will like this instrument.

Bassoon:  Plays low notes.  I don't suggest this as a first instrument.  It is really expensive to buy also. I suggest learning another instrument first.

Alto Saxophone:  You must have clarinet experience before you can play this.  Can be very heavy and awkward.  Not good to play if you have small hands. Mr. Lorigan is a saxophone player.

Trumpet:  Powerful instrument.  If you don't like complicated key systems, this will be better.  Good players can play super high and fast.

French Horn: Difficult as a first instrument.  Not much competition to get into symphonic band with this one. Great switch from trumpet.

Euphonium: Plays low notes. Beautiful, smooth sound. Great first instrument. Not as heavy as it looks.

Trombone:  No buttons. Only a slide. A good first instrument. Plays low notes. Very, very powerful sound. If you are taller, you will love this.

Tuba: Not a good first choice. Better to play euphonium or trombone first. It's also an easy switch from flute.

Percussion:  I only will take 4 people on this instrument.  You must have previous piano experience if you want to choose percussion.