A.A.Y.M. is Freedom Temple Ministries' youth division which offers a weekly, safe, fun, and nurturing learning environment for students aged 4 to 18.

Meet our leaders...

Director: Elder Carlton Maxwell (cmaxwell@ftmrockhill.org)

Lead Minister: Minister Bry-Anne Jones (bjones@ftmrockhill.org)

Ministry Coordinator: Brother Standrick Rhodes (srhodes@ftmrockhill.org)

Ministry Coordinator in Training: Sister Pamela Brantley (pbrantley@ftmrockhill.org)

Assistant Ministry Coordinator: Sister Lashanna Sellars (lsellars@ftmrockhill.org)

Assistant Ministry Coordinator: Sister Juliette Bennett (jbennett@ftmrockhill.org)

Assistant Ministry Coordinator: Sandra Thompson (sthompson@ftmrockhill.org)

Events Coordinator: Sister Gail Wright (gwright@ftmrockhill.org)

Our Mission

A.A.Y.M. intends to win the world for Christ by offering an effective and relevant ministry addressing the spiritual, social, economic, and educational needs of the community.

Our Purpose

A.A.Y.M.'s purpose is to equip today's youth with the necessary tools and resources to live a Christ-centered life.

Addressing Community Needs

-Spiritual (using a biblically-based curriculum, we teach lessons that allow for students to apply biblical principles to their everyday lives).

-Social (we provide positive opportunities for students to engage in fun, safe, and appropriate activities and community service events, ensuring that there is always a focus on serving others).

-Economic (we raise awareness about the biblical principles of stewardship, collecting tithes and offering each Sunday, and discussing the various opportunities of giving as it pertains to worship).

-Educational (we solicit certified educators, with a background in sound pedagogy and an understanding of differentiated instruction, to address all educational needs of the students we serve).