Classroom Behavior Expectations

Class Rules

In my class, we follow FSDB’s Positive Behavior System (PBS).   

PBS has the “Big 3”, the big 3 represent: respect, responsibility, and cooperation.  

We focus on:

Being Respectful

Sitting quietly. 

Raising my hand.

Being kind to others.

Being kind to myself.

Being Responsible

Doing my work.

Doing my class job. 

Following directions.

Putting things away.  

Being Cooperative

Helping my friends.

Sharing with my friends.

Solving problems with language.  

I give verbal praise to students who are doing well with their work and/or following classroom procedures. If there is an issue with behavior in the classroom, here are the consequences. 

1st time -- Student receives a warning.

2nd time -- One-on-one teacher conference to try to resolve the issue.

3rd time -- Referred to Dr. Fortune (behavior specialist). This might lead to a behavior referral and parent contact.