Food and Drink
We will follow Sneed Middle School’s official policy – students will have no open food or drink in classrooms unless given special permission. Teachers may use their own discretion when applying food and drink policy.
In the Science classroom,. students will be dealing with a variety of labs and due to that there will be absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINK.
If an open container or package is seen by the teacher, the student may be required to throw it away. If the teacher elects to do so.
If a lidded container or package is seen by the teacher, the student may be required to put it away and out of sight.
The teacher may have water on their desk for their own health reasons – this statement is the equivalent of a red cross (special permission) on the back of their ID.
We do not want little creepy crawler friends to join us in our class. Please respect the food and drink policy to prevent visits.