Policy and Procedures
Classroom Rules
Listen when someone is talking. Both classmates and teacher.
Follow rules and procedures the first time they are given.
Treat everyone and their things with kindness and respect. Be Positive!
Take care of your school classroom.
Bring all necessary items to class daily: Id, charged chromebook, notebook, writing utensil, and paper.
Consequences for students who choose not to be a part of creating an excellent learning environment include:
Verbal and non-verbal warning by teacher
Student Conference with Teacher
Completion of a written reflection in Quiet Area in classroom
Phone Call Home, Letter Home, Text Message through Google Voice, or E-mail
Time Out Room (this can only be used twice per quarter - if sent a third time, the student will be written up; this will be used at the teachers’ discretion)
A combination of 1-5 will be used before:
Lunch Detention
Referrals to administration
In school suspension
Over- night suspension
Out of school suspension
Any other consequence that administration sees fit
Students are required to wear their school-issued school ID at all times while in the building.
If students forget their ID, they are required to get a temporary ID from their first period teacher.
Each teacher has a designated space for temporary IDs, it is the students’ responsibility to ensure they get one before leaving their first period.
Each day students need a temporary, they will receive lunch detention per Sneed policy.