Culturally Responsive Initiatives 

Where we Started

Antiracism and Equity Committee

In the summer of 2020, the district embarked on the work of antiracism, equity, and dismantling systemic racism.  A district-wide Anti Racism and Equity Committee comprised of community members, students, teachers, and administrators was established to help guide our work in developing, refining, and sustaining culturally responsive educational practices.  

 Four subcommittees were formed and met throughout the 2020-21 school year:

We are now in year 3 of our initiative and our work is guided by consultants from Romney and Associates. This year there are three working subcommittees: Policy Committee, Curriculum and Community Outreach, and School Culture. Please explore this website to find out more about our work and responsiveness to culturally sustaining educational practices. 

Thank you to all of our committee members and faculty for committing to this work as we move toward a more equitable future.


Darius Modestow

Superintendent Frontier Regional and Union #38 Schools 

Antiracism and Equity Committee Mission Statement

The mission of the Frontier Regional School District and Union 38 Anti-Racism & Equity Committee is to guide the district in identifying, describing, and dismantling the systemic racism and oppression embedded within our schools and communities. Through the combined efforts of staff, students, and community members, the committee will develop steps for the work needed to transform our systems and policies. 

Our Commitment 

We commit to:

Antiracism & Equity Foundation Statement  (May 2022)

Frontier Regional & Union #38 School District 



The purpose of this statement is to clearly articulate our beliefs and intentions with regard to antiracism and educational equity. This document further serves to establish a foundation on which we establish our commitment to the elimination of institutionalized racism, and cultural and other biases, which negatively impact the learning environment and the ability for students to achieve at the highest level. Our goal is to promote the creation of teaching, learning, and working environments which welcome, respect, and value our strength in diversity. Antiracism and equity in education is about inclusiveness and social justice. The principles contained within this document may be used as a blueprint by members of other marginalized groups seeking equity related to their identity.

The principal underpinnings of antiracism and educational equity form the basis for our thinking and acting which are designed to foster a teaching and learning environment where all students have the opportunity to access, and freely participate in, a quality educational experience; one that supports them in the present and prepares them for their future.

FRSU#38, in response to the ever-growing need to address the contemporary challenges facing our society, has created this statement of beliefs and intentions related to antiracism and educational equity. This foundation statement will serve to support our current policies and function as the driving force behind the procedures we follow to fulfill our policy goals.

Our greater community needs to not only have access to district policies, but they need to know the benefits and protections that these policies provide and how the district’s procedural process works to fulfill its mission and meet the district’s goals and responsibilities. 


By defining our terms, we bring clarity to our work while providing a platform for articulating our beliefs and intentions as a school district and promoting antiracism and equitable practices. 

First, is important to define racism and antiracism:

Therefore, Antiracism is a process of actively identifying and opposing racism. The goal of anti-racism is to challenge racism and actively change the systemic policies, behaviors, and beliefs that perpetuate racist ideas and actions. Antiracism is rooted in action. It is about taking steps to eliminate racism at the individual, institutional, and structural levels. Anti-racism is a dynamic process.

Similarly, in order to create a climate of full access and support for all students, we need to define equity and educational equity:


FRSU#38 believes that having an antiracism perspective creates a stance that actively serves to oppose racism in all its forms, the goal being to carry out policies and behaviors that support this antiracism and equity stance. Our schools are committed to the tenets of antiracism in order to identify and deconstruct all forms of structural and institutional racism. Therefore:


FRSU#38 believes that each student, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or socioeconomic status will have access to the opportunities, resources, and support they need to attain their full potential. Further, FRSU#38 believes there is an urgent need to disrupt societal and historical inequities and eliminate the disparities that prohibit fair and equal access to educational opportunities and resources. Therefore:


Because our beliefs embody our values with regard to antiracism and educational equity, we commit to creating a sense of community, developing leaders from all quarters who are committed to promoting antiracism and equity, and to building and sustaining a safe and supportive learning environment. In light of that commitment, the School Committees, Central office, School Administration, and Classrooms will operationalize our beliefs and values by intentionally:

 Proposed: 4/27/22

Adopted School Committee 5/2022

Invitation to Join Our Committee 2022-2023

News and Updates

Frontier Regional and Union #38 Schools will participate in a comprehensive evaluation of our districts' processes, plans, and procedures for monitoring and ensuring equity and equality in our schools.  CMSi will conduct the audit and provide recommendations to improve learning for all students through sustainable equity actions and processes

Superintendent's Announcement