Parent Info

School Arrival Map

School Dismissal Map


Please place your childs snack in the front pocket of their backpack! Thank you.

Peanut Free Snack Time!

We want to ensure the safety of all of our children, so we are asking parents to refrain from sending any products containing nuts for snack. This includes: peanut butter sandwiches, crackers, snack bars and cookies, as well as, raw nuts such as: cashews, almonds, peanuts and pecans. We have many children that are allergic to nuts and we appreciate your help with keeping them safe.

Personal Items

Daily Red Folder: Please make sure your child takes this to school daily!

Change of clothes: Just in case of an accident, please have a labeled gallon size Zip-lock bag with an extra shirt, pair of pants, pair of underwear, pair of socks in your child's backpack. Please also include a plastic bag that dirty clothes can be placed in.

Please make sure that your child's belongings (backpack, lunchbox, change of clothes bag, and jackets) are labeled on the outside with a Sharpie marker. 

We ask that you place your child's healthy snack in the front pocket of their backpack so it can be grabbed quickly. 

Change In Dismissal

If your child is going home differently than normal, you must send a note in the morning or call the office by 2:00!

Online Payments

Lunch Payments 

You can go online and deposit money into your child’s account at


Frisco ISD will use OnlineSchoolFees for other District and campus payments. Once you create an account, fees will become visible within the system dashboard as they become due. Payments can be made via computer or mobile phone web browser. You may also set restrictions on your child's account through the website. 

For more information and to access instructions for creating an account with OnlineSchoolFees please visit