Coyote Library Book FAQs:

How do I search for a book? Go to the Heritage Library Catalog: or the button above

How many books can I check out at a time? 5

When are they due? 3 weeks after checking out

How do I check out books? Pick out your books and bring them over to the computer at the circulation desk: type in your student ID number, hit Enter, scan the Heritage Barcode(s), watch the books pop up on your account, hit the blue button/escape, enjoy your books!

How do I return a book? Bring your book(s) to the library and turn right, there will be a computer there for you to scan the Heritage barcode on the book(s). Then place the book(s) on the maroon cart.

Why can't I just leave the book on the maroon cart? The books will stay on your account if you do not scan the Heritage Barcode when you return them.

Will I get a fine if they are late? You will be charged $15 if you do not return your book

What if I turn the book in late, will I still have to pay the $15? No

What if I know I turned the book in but it is still showing up on my account? Go find the book on the bookshelf and scan it at the Book Return/Check-In station and it will come off of your account

How do I pay the fine if I lost or heavily damaged the book(s)?

Can I pay at Yes, just email me and we will have Ms. Villa set it up for you to pay.

Can I place books on hold? Yes! All you have to do is go to the library Catalog, log in, search for the book, and if it is currently checked out it will give you the option to place it on hold, click the place hold button. Once your book comes in I will deliver it to your English teacher, and you can pick it up there.