Digital Emotional Intelligence

The ability to be empathetic and build good relationships with others online.

Develop Positive Relationships

When you collaborate with so many people online everyday, there are some things that you need to keep in mind in order to build good relationships. The tips in the article below apply not only to face-to-face interactions with other students at school and co-workers at a job, but also to people that interact and work with online. Here's a quick list; read the quick article below for more details.

  1. Give people your time and be present in a conversation or meeting.

  2. Listen effectively to your team.

  3. Accept and celebrate difference.

  4. Develop your verbal and written communication skills.

  5. Rein in distractions.

  6. Open up, take a risk, and trust your team or class.

  7. Give and accept constructive feedback.

  8. Practice empathy and understanding.

Read this.

Crowley, Dr. "8 Tips For Building Positive Relationships Within Your Team." N. p., 2017. Web. 19 Sept. 2018.