Music EC-Grade 4

"Why do we teach music? Not because we expect you to major in music. Not because we expect you to play and sing all your life. Not so you can relax. But so you will be human. So you will recognize beauty. So you will be sensitive. So you will have something to cling to. So you will have more love, compassion, more gentleness, more good, in short, more life. Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live? That is why we teach music." Unknown

But I will add to that, if I can convince you that the music you make is as important, no, more important than the stuff others want to sell you, then I will have done my job well.

Jim Bean

Distance Learning: see your grade level for weekly lessons and materials

The mission of Friends Academy is to provide each student with an educational foundation that will instill the academic knowledge, skills, and understanding; responsible citizenship; respect for diversity and differences; and sense of well­being needed for a lifetime of learning and personal growth.