Grade 3

Week of April 27

Chrods for Humble and Kind.webm

This may be challenging, but give it a try.

Explore Chords and Arpeggios on Chrome Music Lab Part 1

After viewing the demo, try to play along with Humble and Kind using Arpeggios

Humble and Kind in G.mp3

Humble and Kind in G


If that went pretty easily for you, here's Chords, part 2, This Pretty Planet. If playing with Humble and Kind is still a challenge, stick with it and try This Pretty Planet next week

. Did you notice in looking at the score (the notes and words) for This Pretty Planet that it can be sung by three singers or groups?

This Pretty Planet 3 voice 2.m4a

This Pretty Planet for 3 voices

This Pretty Planet Score & chords.png
Chords Part 2 This Pretty Planet .webm

The chords for This Pretty Planet are a bit more challenging because the pattern has more chords and the two final chords have fewer beats to sound than the first 3. Are you up for the challenge?

Other Activities you might enjoy

You can find mini-concerts by grammy award winning songwriter and story teller Bill Harley on Facebook at

Bill has performed concerts previously at FA and was one of our visiting authors a few years back.

FA_Lean On Me.m4a

Last, but not least, here's Mr. Murdock and friends performing Lean on Me. I'll give you a way to accompany this using Music Lab next week

As you try out these various activities, please understand that I'm trying to offer you different things to chose from. Do the ones you enjoy. Go back and try things from previous weeks again. I don't expect you to do all of them, just to explore and have fun.