Early Childhood

Week of April 20

Week of April 20.mov

Hi Farmhouse friends, here's a warm-up with

Johnny Hammers and

There Were 5 in the Bed

The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock.mov

The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock

Find some sound maker, (building blocks, sticks, pencils, a bucket?) and keep the steady beat to these rhymes.

There's A Hole in the Bucket.mov

There's a Hole in the Bucket

How does Liza feel as Georgie keeps interrupting her attempt to go fishing?

How does Georgie feel when Liza wont give him enough attention?

Sing the story dramatically, put those feelings into your singing.

Is there someone at home who could sing Georgie's part while you sing Liza's or the other way around?

This Preety Planet medium tempo.mov

For Earth Day, here's This Pretty Planet sung and signed a bit faster.

Remember, you can go back and enjoy activities from the last two weeks as well

Parents, you can find mini-concerts by grammy award winning songwriter and story teller Bill Harley on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Bill%20harley&epa=SEARCH_BOX

Bill has performed concerts previously at FA and was one of our visiting authors a few years back.

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