Science & Engineering

Student Perspectives

"S&E is a great oppotunity to meet like-minded people and make new friends. We are all very close and support each other. In addition, the great teachers will make sure you have a great expeprience here at S&E!"

Aadarsh K.- Class of 2025

"A preconception is the course load is extremely difficult. While the S & E program can definitely be challenging at times, as long as you remain consistent with your studying and get help when you need it; I found the challenge has turned me into a better student ."

Riya P. -  Class of 2023

"One of the AMAZING things about S & E is it is a magnet program which means you can be part of a normal high school experience while you're participating in the difficult academic classes ."

Rowan C.- Class of 2022

"Many of us excel in not only our classes but also our extracurriculars, as right off the bat in our freshman year we learn to work hard and manage our time wisely."

Emma M. - Class of 2021

"We're a program of students who love to tinker, to build and to make, and I promise, your passion for engineering will only grow in the program."

Ariel R.,  Manalapan High School S&E Class of 2018

Class of 2021 at Princeton University, majoring in Computer Science

"S&E prepared me super well for MIT! I had some really amazing teachers who not only gave us the strong foundation in all the subjects but also really pushed you to do the best that you can do and try things you didn't think were possible."

Asavari P., Manalapan High School S&E Class of 2014

Class of 2018 at MIT, majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Biology