Current Members

Current members

Colts Neck High School NHS Member Contract 2023-2024ug

Please review the Service Hours Portion for all Current NHS Members. 

Once a candidate has decided to apply or is a current member of NHS, he/she must comply with the rules and requirements identified below. 


a.    Students must maintain a 3.75 GPA (not rounded) or better.

b.    Any student who falls below a 3.75 will be put on academic probation and given until the end of the next marking period to improve his/her average to meet the standard.

c. If a student is unsuccessful in raising his/her average by the end of the next marking period, his/her case will be presented to the NHS Faculty Council for dismissal.

d. A member is allowed only one probation period.

 II.  SERVICE HOURS (Requirements for the 2024-2025 School Year ) 

a. All members are required to perform a minimum of 60 hours of community service in addition to attending all CNHS NHS events. 

b. All members during the 2024-25 school year are required to perform a minimum of  60 hours of community service.  Hours may be submitted on the dates below. 

c. Service hours accumulated in the Summer of 2024 may count towards your 15 Hours Submission for your Marking Period 1 Submission date November 1st 2024. 

d. Members must use x2vol to upload a picture and record  service activities documented by taking a selfie picture letter or certificate including organization letterhead, date, number of hours, signature of on-site supervisor, and thorough explanation of service. Members must submit record of service within 2 weeks of completing that service.

e. Faculty advisors reserve the right to determine whether an activity counts for community service. 

f. Seniors must submit their hours by the required due dates. Failure to do so will result in dismissal. 

g. The following page provides details of those hours that will and will not be accepted. Please refer to the NHS Volunteer Hours section of the website or look at the NHS Bylaws.

h. Those Seniors who fail to complete  the community service requirement for the 2024-25 school year will be dismissed from NHS.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

CNHS-Current Volunteering Opportunities