Bill Review 2023 (Action Items)


All members of the Legislative Committee are requested to participate in reviewing introduced bills.  There are several sites that provide bill summaries, but I have had the most success with .  You can create a free account and mark legislation for tracking and it has good search capabilities.  

To maximize identification of relevant legislation I am asking every member of the committee to do a wide search of introduced bills. For those using Legiscan, information on searches can be found here.    For Legiscan, I suggest filtering by introduction date within the last year or other time period that covers your previous search ("intro: week" or "intro: year").    When including keywords, note that expected terms may not appear in the searchable title or summary (i.e., the most recent Hemp legislation included "contaminant" but not "pesticides" in the summary).    

Suggested Keywords:  

Specific (generally yields fewer results):   Mosquito, Pesticide, Vector, Pest, Specific Diseases (West Nile, Zika), Cannabis, Hemp, Organic, UAS (Drone, RPA)

General (will take some manual filtering):  Water, Public Health, Disease, Special District, Chemical,  Contaminant

Try to be broad in your approach to potentially-relevant legislation.  Our industry intersects with a large number of regulatory areas and I am relying on the expertise of the membership to help identify legislation with non-obvious potential impacts on our operations.  


Please add any bills of interest to the google sheet below.  Include your name in the "reviewed by" column.  The tentative date for the Bill Review  Session will be TBD

2023 Legislation Review MVCAC