Welcome to Ms. Blanton's School Counseling Page

A little bit about Ms. Blanton...

I have been the sophomore counselor since the 2004/2005 school year. I work with students on such issues as their academics, future plans (whether that involves college, a career or joining the military) as well as social and emotional issues. I am here to help all students, but especially sophomores. If my door is open (in real life or virtually) feel free to come in and we can talk about whatever you’d like.

Need Help???

Ms. Blanton can be reached by phone at (419) 334-5479 or by email at blantonl@fremontschools.net. Calls and emails will be returned within 24 hours during weekdays. Prefer to "meet" via Zoom? Just let me know.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Wellesley College

Master of Education in School Counseling from Bowling Green State University