
4th Green Pod

Hot LInks for Home Use!

see what's coming up! 

What Mascot will the POD choose?

Bauman Woodward Mascot

* Students will be able to vote on a class Mascot

Students will create a Mascot in ART

Students will vote on their favorite Mascot that was student illustrated.

Sinks Canyon Field Trip Sept. 15

Bring your Water, closed toed shoes, pants, and layers if it is cold!

Teacher Bios & Para Intros

Name: Mr. Bauman

Phone (307)857-7070 (school)

Name: April Woodward

Hello, I am April Woodward and I am your child’s ELA teacher. I am looking forward to a great year with your child! 

I am married and have 3 children. I love spending time with my family, reading, crafting and helping with my family's show pig business. 

I am excited about having a new group of students to mold and shape. Hopefully, ELA will become their new passion!

If you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me!!!

Here’s to a great school year full of fun, learning and new friendships!

Content Info

Reading & Writing

In reading and writing we are learning about figurative and literal hearts. This trimester, we will be reading books about The Circulatory Story and poetry about the figurative heart. Your child will also be writing an informational essay on figurative and literal heart. 

Please read at home with your child. If you need books to read let us know and we would be glad to help.


Trimester 1 is focused on Place Value concepts, addition and subtraction as well as multi-digit multiplication and division. We will use various strategies to allow students to grow their understanding of place value and find the method that allows comprehension of the skills. 

Please practice your math facts at home!! We have flashcards available. 

Behavior Expectations

We will use positive reinforcement, redirection, reteaching, restorative conversations, and phone calls home to enforce our class rule. Office referrals may be utilized, also.