Great American Race
Steps (click to expand)
Create a blank slide deck, number the slides and make it editable to anyone with the link.
Post the link to your LMS or use a URL shrinker and write the short URL on the board.
Determine the topic and create a Key for the slides.
Create a way for students to submit answers (Google Forms). Optional: use the Quiz feature in Forms to make it self-correcting.
Write answers to each slide on index cards or a small piece of paper to distribute to students. Students will keep this secret.
Students find the slide that matches the number they were given and enter clues about their topic/word.
Once the deck is complete, turn OFF editing privileges and create teams of 2-4 students.
Distribute the Google Form.
Students work together to answer the questions. Check the submissions manually or automatically via the Google Form.
Additional websites to use with this eduprotocol
YouTube timer - 10 minutes