As we enter into the new year, you will be setting goals for yourself and setting resolutions! A New Years resolution is important to set yourself up for success. A good resolution comes with a plan and creating something that states your goals helps you stick to them! We are going to put your graphic

design skills to the test while also exploring our resolutions, goals and challenges for this year!

Your Goal: You will creating a magazine cover and two internal pages graphically designed to show all of your New Years resolutions, goals and challenges. Be sure to include all of the items listed below as well as viewing the example for help.


Step 1: go to Canva, press create a design, and select "Magazine Cover" from the options.

Step 2: Choose a template from the included or create your own! If you decide to use a template you MUST personalize each part including font and color changes.

Step 3: Design your front cover! 

Please include the following

-Your name

-Choose a magazine title

-Magazine Issue Date

-One image either of you, something personal, or something inspiring you for this upcoming year

-A TAG LINE for you for this new year

-A captivating design for your audience including a preview of what they will find in this issue

Step 4: Design your 2 interior pages. Be sure to include -A visually appeal organization style 

-5 goal words for yourself

-At least two more photos or images that inspire you. It could be something you plan to take on as a new hobby, something you enjoy and brings you happiness, something you stand for, something you look forward to doing.

Step 5: Your Goals! You can write a paragraph including all listed below and format it like an article or create multiple mini articles such as writing a small blurb/caption including the following. It can also be a combination of the two.

-Your personal New Years Resolution

-Your academic resolution

A short term goal (with a time restraint)

-Something you hope to accomplish OR challenge yourself with

-Your favorite memory from this past year or something you are taking with you as a lesson or blessing!

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