Mindfulness Resources for Parents and Staff

The practice of mindfulness strives to help people achieve mental calmness and focus while being focused on the here and now. Mindfulness is a skill that requires practice, a few minutes a day can be very helpful! It is also a practice that can be done individually, or in a family or classroom group. This webpage includes some information on what mindfulness is, how mindfulness effects the brain as well as some steps to get started using mindfulness with your child or class.

The Mindful School's curriculum covers many topics and skills, from having a mindful body and doing mindful breathing and listening to sending kind thoughts and being grateful as well as eating and taking tests mindfully. Each year I will be offering to teach the program at MWES and I look forward to working with more and more students on the practice of mindfulness!

What is Mindfulness? Click on the image to access an informative article from Mindful Schools!

How is mindfulness introduced into the classroom? Click on the image to find out!

Interested in learning more about mindfulness and the brain? Check out this video!

Some helpful steps to help get started practicing mindfulness can be found on Blissfulkids.com. Access the information by clicking on the image!

Some resources to check out to get started with mindfulness practice:

Mindyeti.com: Includes both free and subscription guided practice activities. The free content is great!

There are also many apps with mindfulness skills and content to learn and practice! A few good ones are listed below!

For children ages 2-4:

For children ages 5-7

For children ages 8-10

For kids ages 11 and up