Anti-Bullying Specialist

I am also the Anti-Bullying Specialist at MWES. I chair the School Safety Team and we meet to plan activities that help foster kindness, respect, responsibility and safety in our school. We work very closely with the Positive Behavior Support committee to ensure that our school is a community built on teamwork and that our school climate is built on a foundation of kindness, respect, responsibility and safety.

You can be an UPSTANDER!!!

Watch the video to see some simple ways to get involved and help spread kindness, respect, responsibility and safety!

Each Month there are many anti-bullying activities that occur in classrooms. These Blendspace lessons are one of the resources teachers use to address these important topics!

General Lesson Plan for Each Month

September: What is Conflict? Grades k-5 -Complete week of 10/7

October: What is bullying? Grades k-5 -Complete week of 10/21

November: Identifying/Expressing Emotions and Active Listening Grades k-5- Complete week of 11/11

December: I messages and Conflict Resolution Grades k-2-Complete week of 12/9

I messages and Conflict Resolution Grades 3-5-Complete week of 12/9

January: Be more AWESOME! Grades k-2-Complete week of 1/13

Be more AWESOME! Grades 3-5-Complete week of 1/13

February: Are you a Bully, Victim or Upstander? -Complete week of 2/10

March: Tattling vs. Telling Grades k-2-Complete week of 3/9

Have the Courage to Get Involved! Grades 3-5-Complete week of 3/9

April: Dealing with Peer Pressure Grades k-2-Complete week of 4/20

Dealing with Peer Pressure Grades 3-5 -Complete week of 4/20

May: Dealing with Being Left Out Grades k-2-Complete week 5/18

Dealing with Cliques Grades 3-5-Complete week 5/18

June: Reflecting on what we have learned. Grades k-5