Steps to getting started with the practice of mindfulness

Understanding the steps for a comfortable and calming meditation session will help you enjoy your time sitting quietly.

If you are brand new to meditation and mindfulness, give yourself some time to get comfortable with the practice before introducing it to your children or other family members. We are always more effective when we can teach from a place of experience.


1. Choose a good time.

Many people enjoy meditation first thing in the morning. It’s easier to ensure you get your time sitting quietly if you make it a priority at the top of your day. Others find their mind is too active first thing, so they choose afternoon or right before bedtime to practice. Play around with the times available to you and select the one that works best as a regular meditation time. When the time is set, make this a priority. Nothing is more important than your peace of mind, as your state of mind impact those around you.

2. Choose a regular spot.

Having a place that is used only for meditation can help set the intention for your practice. It can also help you stick with your practice, as you do this one thing in this one place each and every day. Try to find a place, either indoors or outdoors, that is quiet and free from distraction. Too much environmental noise can make it difficult to quiet the mind. This spot can be one that can accommodate the entire family if you plan on practicing together.

3. Learn to feel your breath

The breath is a natural point of focus for your mind. We all breathe without giving it a thought, so it is an easy place to put your attention, as it takes no effort. When your mind starts to wander off, you can gently bring your attention back to your breath and find your center again. In order to do this, you need to learn to feel your breath. Take a few normal breaths and identify where you feel the sensation most readily in your body. Do you feel coolness in your nostrils when the air enters your body? Do you feel the rise and fall of your chest as your lungs expand? Do you feel the sensation of movement in your belly as it rises and falls with the air? This may take some practice, but the practice is meditative as well, so enjoy the exploration of finding and feeling your breath.

4. Find a comfortable posture

Meditation should be done with an alert mind. If you feel too relaxed, you might fall asleep. If you are sitting in a position that is too rigid, you might feel pain and that will become your mental focus. Find a posture that helps you feel alert and focused, not sleepy or stiff. For most people, this is sitting on the floor on a cushion or in a chair. You can cross your legs or not. You should try to sit with your spine as erect as possible. However, there is no “right way” to sit for meditation. The position depends on you and what makes you feel most comfortable and focused. Play around with postures until you find the one that suits your body and mind most appropriately.

5. Put a gentle smile on your face

A gentle smile on your face will help you to relax all over, mind and body. Tension is a barrier to clearing the mind and relaxing the body. Even if you have nothing to smile about when you begin your practice, start with a gentle upturn at the corners of your mouth. Your face will relax, your mind will settle, and you will find that your attitude and physical posture will follow suit and relax into the practice.

6. Start small, 5 minutes is all you need to begin

Starting small will help ensure you do not get overwhelmed by trying to sit still for too long. There is no need to attempt to commit to a 20 or 30 minute meditation session to feel like you are getting the most benefit. Start small, set a timer, and do 5 minutes of quiet meditation, paying attention to your breath and gently bringing your mind back to your breath when it begins to wander. You will be surprised at how quickly that 5 minutes passes.

7. Before you get up and move on, reflect

Take a moment to think about how you felt as you were meditating before you jump up and move on to your next activity. Give your time on your meditation cushion some thought, was your mind calm or rambunctious? Were you alert or sleepy? Where did your thoughts wander to most often? You may want to have a journal by your side to jot down your reflections each time. You can review your journal periodically for motivation and inspiration.