Mrs. Senna´s Counseling Corner

Welcome Catena Super Families to the 2023-2024 school year at JJCS!  I hope you all had a wonderful summer and were able to pause, reset, and spend time with the ones you love the most. The purpose of this letter is to introduce myself as your child’s School Counselor. 

 I am looking forward this school year to provide counseling services on a confidential and voluntary basis for all students in grades K-5. It is my intention to work collaboratively with you and your children to provide to following goals:

In addition to being the School Counselor, I am also the Anti-Bullying Specialist,  and the 504 chair person.

Respectful ~ Responsible ~ Safe ~ Kind

275 Burlington Road Freehold, NJ 07728

(732)431-4430 x 3107