What To Expect In A Film & Video Arts Class

A class in Film and Video Arts will be challenging. We will push you to expand your ideas of what the cinematic arts is and can be. 

Classes are hands on. Most exercises and projects execute on your own. Why is this? We focus on developing the complete filmmaker. We want you to be competent in all aspects of the cinematic arts. You will find what you are good at and what you enjoy most only by experiencing all of it. 

Collaboration is good and often times needed but you should never have to admit defeat because you don't know how to do something.

The amount of effort you put into a project will be reflected in the results. You will always be encouraged to take your projects seriously. 

In the FVA program in Visual Arts and New Media we focus on the creative and artistic. We  want to explore cinema beyond the Hollywood paradigm, beyond the commercial blockbuster mentality. We will explore ways to engage and move your audience so that your projects if successful will linger in the minds of your viewers. 

You will also find that the FVA classes are supportive and encouraging. You should feel free to explore your ideas within the given framework of the assignments. 

Don't ever be afraid to ask questions. 

Always push yourself.