Miss Cicione's First Grade Class
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Special messages/reminders:
*We are off school on Friday 2/14 and Monday 2/17 for President's Day weekend.*
On this website you can find helpful information about our class, useful links, our daily schedule and specials schedule, expectations, important dates, curriculum information, and more. Please visit my website as well as the school and district websites often to find up to date information regarding our class, our school, and our district! Please check your email often for school and district information and also reference Class Dojo frequently for updates, news, and other classroom information posted on Class Story or sent in the Messages section. Class Dojo is the main form of communication that I will be utilizing this school year.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have, big or small. Class Dojo messaging and email are the easiest/quickest ways to reach me.
My school email address is: acicione@franklintwpschools.org
My school phone number is:
856-629-0431 ext. 1000