Welcome to the Art Studio!

Welcome to 3rd & 4th Grade ART with Mrs. Audio

At Main Road, Art isn’t just a class…it’s an adventure! 


     Every day that students come to the art studio is another day to learn and create. The art studio experience intertwines the Elements of Art and the Design Principles with an enduring theme that challenges students to draw on prior knowledge and personal experience. We will discover how to advance our problem-solving, decision-making, and analytical thinking using the world of Art to help us learn and make important connections. Our art projects and lessons are based on the 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Visual and Performing Arts (click here to view) and use what comes naturally to children, exploration and imagination!   

Your child will be exposed to a variety of materials, visual challenges, and techniques in Art. We will explore the work of artists from different cultural backgrounds and periods throughout history. We have a Promethean Board  and Chromebooks in the art studio. This allows the students to learn about art interactively with our advancing world of technology. We can even go on a virtual field trip and visit an art museum without leaving Main Road School! The possibilities using this technology are endless! 

Students will begin to build a vocabulary of art concepts that will continue their whole life.  Art will be one more tool your child can use to make important connections, problem solve, share ideas and express themselves. For some children, it will be the most important one!

 Our Units of study will include:

1- Art Critique: "How to be an Art Detective"

2- Drawing and Painting: "Expressive vs. Observational"

3- Printmaking: "Making Your Mark"

4- Collage: "Drawing with Scissors"

5- Sculpture: "3d Form & Texture Relief"

6- Fiber Arts: "Woven Connections"

7- Clay: "Pottery"


 Main Road Artists are Responsible, Respectful, and Ready to Learn! I expect students to follow Art Studio rules and proper procedures in order to have a safe and creative learning environment.


1) Aim for your BEST!

2) Respect Yourself, Others, and Materials

3) Trust in Yourself and Your Ability to Learn!


Standards Based Grading in Art:

 Students will be assessed on the following standards in Art for the 2023-24 school year.

 1. Engages in learning and demonstrates responsibility with materials.

2. Demonstrates understanding of major content related concepts.


(N) Needs Improvement (P) Progressing toward the standard (M) Meeting the standard (E) Excelling beyond the standard (I) Insufficient evidence



  On Art Days, I expect students to do their BEST! Please don’t allow them to wear their best! I do use a lot of washable materials but accidents may and do happen. I do have a limited supply of art aprons for student use if needed. 

Please email me with any questions or concerns. 

                           Creatively Yours,

Mrs. Audio