Frequently Asked ?'s

what is the art grading procedure?

Standards Based Grading in Art:

 Students will be assessed on the following standards in Art for the 2023-24 school year.

 1. Engages in learning and demonstrates responsibility with materials.

2. Demonstrates understanding of major content related concepts.

(N) Needs Improvement 

(P) Progressing toward the standard 

(M) Meeting the standard 

(E) Excelling beyond the standard 

(I) Insufficient evidence 


how can I help?

Become a Parent Volunteer to possibly help with Art Show prep, exhibit displays,  set-up & clean-up- email me if interested

Donations of Recycled items to help reduce waste and reuse creatively- suggested item list

when is this year's art show?

2023-24 "Art Show" is May 29, 2024 (4:30pm - 7:30pm)

what is the selection process for art club?

Due to high interest and limited space, all interested students that hand-in a complete After-School Club "Lottery" form will have a chance to join. Fifteen students will be selected randomly in the Fall and in the Spring. Students will be notified with an acceptance letter and will need to return a signed permission slip. Students that DO NOT receive an acceptance letter were not selected at this time. Students that were not selected can participate in Mrs. Town's Chorus which has no limits on participation. See Mrs. Town for more information.

where can i find extra art lessons for my child?

If you are interested in finding extra Art lessons or activities for your child, feel free to email me (see contact info) or have your child visit my online art resources in "Mrs. Audio's Bitmoji Art Studio"