Sarah Dumas

Sarah Dumas clears the high jump bar.

Photo from SmugMug

Sarah Dumas receives the All-American award for indoor track.

Photo from SmugMug

Meet Sarah Dumas, an actor-student-athlete in her senior year at FHS. 

Sarah is most well known for being a runner, hurdler, and thrower on the indoor and outdoor track teams. She “initially started running to stay in shape for soccer” but this exercise quickly transformed into a love for the sport. Sarah loves “competing and running for her team” and is very grateful to her teammates and coaches who helped her along the way. Not only does Sarah participate in track, but she is also an All-American, competing in and placing in Nationals several times. This prestigious award is given out to a limited number of athletes and Sarah enjoys the experience, noting the friends she made and the fun she had while competing. 

Aside from being a track superstar, Sarah enjoys spending time with her friends and family, playing the guitar, singing, and participating in the fall musical for FHS. You might ask how she can keep all these activities straight, but Sarah says “There’s no formula for balancing it all. [She] just tries to do her best in everything. That’s really all [she] can do”. 

After graduation, Sarah is excited to continue her education and athletic career at the University of Pennsylvania where she is studying biology on the pre-med track.