Study Skills

Education Corner

Study skills guides for students will provide advice for how to learn more effectively. Active listening, reading comprehension, notetaking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed.

Homework Center

Information about taking good notes, reading textbooks, studying for tests, and writing essay tests.

​Sites to Improve Your Academic Success

This site comes from the University of Northern Iowa. It is designed for the college student, but helpful to the high school student as well. It is a collection of web sites that provide tips to help you study more effectively, manage your time, take better notes, and handle the stresses of school life.

Study Guides and Strategies

This very complete site has topics including study preparation, taking notes in lectures, effective study habits, testing techniques, writing and reading skills. It may be especially helpful to bilingual/ESL students. Many of the study guides and strategies are in other languages as well as in English.

Study Guide Zone

Another site designed for the college student with benefits for the high school student. It has tips on listening in class, college prep schedules, how to be a good student, learning styles, note taking, systematic reading, forming a study group, motivation for college, time management, effective studying, math fear, beating the stress, test anxiety, nervousness, and test taking techniques.

Study Strategies

Similar to other university study strategy sites, this one is from the University of Minnesota. It contains a study skills survey, information about time management, memorization, learning styles, and study techniques.

Test Phobia

Twenty sure-fire ways to help you cope with test phobia. It also includes guides to study effectively.
