
Fake News - Ms. Moreau 9/18


2nd game :Factitious.

Fake News Presentation Piazza 3/18

Bias - Six Photographers Took The Same Man’s Picture, What They Captured Will Make You Think

Six Photographers Took The Same Man’s Picture, What They Captured Will Make You Think

Link · Educate Inspire Change

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The CRAP test: print this out to evaluate sources


Does the word CRAP offend you? Here is a gentler version:

C- Currency

 How recent is the information?

 Can you locate a date when the book /site was written/created/updated?

 Based in your topic, is it current enough?

R- Relevance

 Does this information relate to the topic I'm researching?

R- Reliability

 What kind of information is included in the book /website?

 Is it accurate? ...complete?

 Is the content primarily fact, or opinion?

 Is the information balanced, or biased?

 Does the author provide references for quotations and data?

 If there are links, do they work?

A- Authority

 Can you determine who the author/creator is?

 Is there a way to contact them?

 What are their credentials (education, affiliation, experience, etc.)?

 Is there evidence they're experts on the subject?

 Who is the publisher or sponsor of the site?

P - Purpose / Point of View / Pretty?

 What's the intent of the book / website (to inform, persuade, to sell you something, etc.)?

 What is the domain (.edu, .org, .com, etc.)? How might that influence the purpose/point of view?

 Are there ads on the website? How do they relate to the topic being covered (e.g., an ad for ammunition next to an article about firearms legislation)?

 Is the author presenting fact, or opinion?

 Who might benefit from a reader believing this website?

 Based on the writing style, who is the intended audience?

 Is the book/ website “pretty?” Is it an attractive package? Would you want to pick up the book and read it?

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