
Exhibit Schedule

See where the exhibit has been and where it is headed next! View photos from past stops.

Previous Dates:

Pittcon Conference and Exposition - February 26-28, 2024

Booth 915 | Park One
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California
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Altoona Area Public Library - September 21-October 18, 2023

Altoona, PA

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SFU Camps and Academies - June-July, 2023

Loretto, PA

Hollidaysburg Area Public Library - May 12-June 6, 2023

Hollidaysburg, PA

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Portage Public Library - April 13-May 6, 2023

Portage, PA

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Patton Public Library - March 15-April 8, 2023

Patton, PA

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Claysburg Area Public Library - February 1-March 11, 2023

Claysburg, PA

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Saint Francis University - January 11, 2023

Loretto, PA

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