Exhibit Scavenger Hunt

Space Exhibit Scavenger Hunt 

As you explore the Earth to Moon Exhibit, see if you can find the answers to these questions:

10 Need - to - Know Facts About the Moon 

b. _____________________

a. _____________________

b. _____________________

c. _____________________ 

Astronaut Spacesuit and Artemis 

a. _____________________

b. _____________________

c. _____________________ 

a. _____________________

b. _____________________

Lunar Regolith Simulant Plant Growth Experiment: 

a. i. ______________ or ii.  ______________

b. How old are the plants in this picture?  ______________ 

3-D Moon Pictures - (You have to wear 3-D glasses to see the full effect.  So Cool!) 

The Near Side of the Moon 

 a. Mare (plural:  Maria)  or b. Highlands

a. Igneous Rock

b. Metamorphic Rock

c. Sedimentary Rock 

Developed by Ms. Jen Terza, 7th Grade Science Teacher, Cambria Heights Middle School