Math League

Test Dates:

Stapleton, Friday, May 24th

King, Monday, June 3rd

Students were given their third packet this week. It contains the answers to the previous two tests so that students can check their work. It also contains one more test as well as the answer page. My hope is that students will time themselves (30 minutes)as they take this test and then correct their work. This will help them to prepare for the actual test. ***Please note: Most students do not finish the entire test and that's okay!!

Students who returned permission slips have been given the first in a series of three study packets. This packet contains an instruction page along with two sample tests. Students should spend time working on these tests over the next few weeks. In early April, they will receive the second study packet. This packet will contain the answers to the tests in the first packet as well as two new tests.

Permission slips have been sent home at Stapleton and will be sent home on February 4th at King. Please return these slips by February 14th if your child is interested in participating. Please note that Math League is open to ALL students in grades 4 and 5.