Purchase a





Yearbooks go on sale Sept. 1. During the month of September, yearbooks will cost $60 each. This is the lowest price all year, so order now!

Fall Semester


From October 1 to January 21, yearbooks will cost $65.

Last Call


Starting January 22, there will be a limited number of copies available for purchase. Yearbooks will be $75 each.

Once we sell out, there are no additional copies.

Online ordering (credit card only)

If you have any issues placing your order, please email us.

Online sales close April 30 or when we run out of books. Email us to inquire about available books for purchase starting May 1.

Pay by check

Please make a check out to City of Framingham with Yearbook written on the memo line.

Checks should be brought to A206 before or after school and handed to Mr. Gaynor directly. Do not drop off payment if he is not there! You'll get a receipt to confirm your order. Please hold onto the receipt!

Yearbooks cannot be paid for in cash.

Confirming your order