
Business ads

We are not accepting ads from businesses this year.

Change in grade level

If you anticipate a grade-level/year-of-graduation change, we must be made aware of this as soon as possible, ideally before the end of the previous school year but no later than Oct. 31.

We build the book around the student portraits to ensure all students make it into the book. Adding students after we put the portraits on the page essentially means starting over, as we need to reallocate content on other pages to accommodate possible shifts made by adding (or subtracting) a student.

Errors in printing

Thank you for purchasing a copy of the Yearbook! While we have gone to great lengths to ensure a polished book, it is always possible that errata sneak through. While we are sorry that this happened, please remember that this is a book designed and created by student volunteers who have spent countless hours working on it.

Once the book is published, we are unable to reprint books to correct errors.

Inclusion of events/activities/etc.

The Yearbook staff works hard to include as much as possible in the limited space we have.

In order to have the book prepared for distribution at the end of the school year (for seniors, this is at the end of May), our publisher requires us to submit the entire yearbook in late March. Unfortunately, this does mean that certain events will not make it into the yearbook (senior prom, graduation, and, to an extent, spring sports, to name a few).

Throughout the year, we have a number of other deadlines to meet for which we must submit portions of the book. As such, requests, such as those for alternate names, photo omissions, or photo inclusions, should be submitted no later than Dec. 1, as our first deadline is in early January.

Preferred name

Not all students go by their given name at school. Some may go by middle names or names that match their gender identity. The Yearbook wishes to honor these students to the best of our ability. By default, students' names will appear in the yearbook as they are registered with Framingham Public Schools. If students wish to be identified by another name, they can submit a name-change request by Dec. 1, and the Yearbook staff will do their best to ensure this request is honored throughout the book.

Printer errors

Before walking away from pick-up, please double check to make sure there are no physical issues with the book (upside down pages, smudged pages, broken cover...). Once you leave the pick-up table, we cannot do anything about your book.

"Not pictured"

All students will be featured at least once in the yearbook, in their class section. This will be the student's school photo, taken in the fall of the current school year.

Students who wish to not be included in the yearbook must make this request known, in writing, no later than December 1, 2022. Requests after December 1 will be honored where possible, but as we begin submitting the book in January, it is possible some instances will sneak through.

Students who do not have a school photo on file with the Yearbook* will have their names listed at the end of the section

*A photo in Aspen/X2 does not necessarily indicate that the Yearbook has received a copy.

Unclaimed books

Books purchased must be picked up by the conclusion of the school year (final day of final exams). Any books not picked up are considered forfeited. Forfeited books may be sold to other students. There are no refunds for forfeited books.

If there are circumstances preventing a student from picking up their yearbook by the end of the last day of school, the student/parent/guardian should send an email to the Yearbook to request that the book not be forfeited, and these books will be held in the Main Office for pickup over the summer.