Physical Education

The purpose of seventh grade physical education is to provide students with opportunities to develop a greater degree of proficiency in a variety of motor skills, through participation in traditional and non-traditional physical activities. Students will learn basic fitness concepts that will allow them to safely utilize resistance and aerobic training equipment. They will use decision-making and goal-setting strategies to help establish skills that will provide the foundation for a lifetime of healthy and balanced living. Students will gain a greater appreciation for and acceptance of individual differences in a physical activity setting. They will help create a learning environment that focuses on respect for self and concern for the well-being of others. 

The purpose of eighth grade physical education is to provide students with opportunities to develop a lifetime of health, physical fitness and balanced living. Students will achieve greater proficiency in a variety of motor skills that will enable them to engage in diverse physical activities throughout their lives. Mastering collaborative problem-solving and decision-making is essential to achieving high levels of overall well-being. Students will gain a greater appreciation for and acceptance of individual differences in a physical setting as well as their talents, abilities, and limits. 

Critical Content Standards 

Motor Skill Performance: Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 

Wellness Concepts: Students will comprehend concepts and develop a knowledge base related to health promotion and disease prevention, including: human growth and development; community/environmental health; human sexuality; injury and disease prevention; mental and emotional health; nutrition and physical activity; as well as information related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. 

Goal Setting & Planning: Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze personal data, make decisions, set goals to create action plans in order to enhance wellness. 


Mr. Flaherty

Mrs. Hedberg

Mr. Jarvis

Mr. O'Toole