Innovative Design

In this course, students will be forward thinking to research and create global solutions to real-world issues, such as food instability. Students will be required to engage in small groups. In their groups, they will designate individual members as managers of specific subsections of information. This will create an environment where true collaboration exists, where each student feels a sense of belonging and purpose and has a clear understanding of the desired outcome. Through this year-long course, students will explore, evaluate, and experience first-hand how to solve some of these complex issues and recognize their own individual roles in being active global citizens.

Critical Content Standards 

Define the Problem: Students will identify and define an engineering problem including needs and constraints. 

Generate Ideas: Students will generate a range of potential designs as a solution to the engineering problem. 

Build and Evaluate the Solution: Students will construct and evaluate a model or prototype as a solution for the engineering problem. 

Present Results: Students will deliver a final solution to the stakeholders.