Career  Resources

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Students can get help with their resumes and cover letters in the Career Center. Resumes and cover letters are often required for students applying for internships and some part-time jobs. Resume and cover letter templates are provided below.

FHS Career Center Basic Resume Template

Resume Template

FHS Career Center Basic Cover Letter Template

Cover letter template

Online Presence Resources

As students pursue jobs and internships, they must be aware of their online presence as employers and internship hosts will often review content that is publicly available on the internet. Here are a few resources students can use to ensure their online presence best positions them for the jobs and internships they seek.

What Millennial Job Seekers Need To Know About Their Online Presence (Forbes)

Digital Housekeeping and Your Job Search (U.S. News)

Practice Interviews 

Nervous about an upcoming job interview?

There is more to an interview than the questions, and to do well, you have to be prepared. Did you know that you make a first impression the minute you meet someone?

The Career Center staff can give you sample interview questions and even conduct a mock interview to help you prepare.

Other Resources

The Career Center houses over one hundred college and career related books, periodicals, and web resources for student use. Here are just a few...

There is also a wealth of information online to help students and parents learn more about colleges and careers. Check out the following websites: