End of term already!
Well what an interesting and varied term this has turned out to be! We started out with zoom virtual learning before all the children were allowed to return to the classroom in the last 4 weeks - and those 4 weeks have absolutely flown by! We can honestly say that almost all of our children have quickly adapted back into school life, back into a good routine of learning and reconnecting with their friends and teachers.
There has been much talk in the media about "catch up" and how this generation of children have "lost" so much learning. From our perspective, we see that many children have thrived despite the challenges of lock down. Children appreciate being at school more than ever before and have gained many skills that will be essential to their future life: resilience, independence and taking on more responsibility for themselves.
At FPJS, our focus for the last 4 weeks has been ensuring are children are settled, happy and ready to learn. We have not rushed into "testing" children in any formal capacity. Our teachers have been working hard to find out where children's gaps in learning may have occured (as they do normally!). The summer term will be one in which we will support all our learners achieving the best they can, putting in place interventions as necessary, but simultaneously finding many WOW moments for the children to enjoy too - things which enable them to find their passion for learning in different ways, reconnecting with their friends and collaborating together - key things they may have missed due to the lockdown.
Thank you parents for all your support this term. We hope all of our families can look forward to an Easter break which is filled with happiness and hope: the possiblity of meeting up with others, lots of sunshine and outdoor fun, and of course, lots of chocolate!
Mrs Clark - Head of school
Comic Relief 2021- FPJS DAY OF FUN!
On Friday 19th March, FPJS celebrated Red Nose Day in our usual Furze Platt fashion: fun was the order of the day all in the name of raising money for charity! The day was spent on all things fun related to comic relief- Y4 took part in a Task master style challenge throughout the day and other year groups took part in fun quizzes, walking backwards around the track and designing new Red Nose Day noses. The afternoon saw our first ever virtual talent show featuring our amazingly talented and creative children, plus a teacher talent-less showreel, showing just how talented our teachers are (not!). Thanks to your amazing donations, we smashed our target and raised a fantastic £1532! This will make an enormous difference to many people both in the UK and beyond!
Talent show winners
Well done to all our children who took part in our virtual talent competition. The standard was very high and we enjoyed all the performances! Here are the winning entries from each year group. Click on the links to see the the winners in action!
We would also like to say a huge congratulations to Max in RTSS who has secured a place at The Royal Ballet School next year! You can see what a talent Max has for dance in his video below!
Y3: Daniel from KJS
Y4: Lucas from KE
Y5: Annabelle and Daisy from FK
Y6: Max from RTSS
Online Book Fair- order deadline extended!
Buy a book to support our school! Order deadline 4th April
Stars of the week
Well done to all our stars this week!
Our stars are chosen from following the values of the school: Passion, Well-being and respect.
We also chose children who have made exceptional effort in their work or attitude to learning.
Our stars are in a downloadable format if you want to print to keep!
TT Rock stars update
Take a look at our Top Ten boards this week for each year group and our top progress children in each year group!
This week, we have also included the top 3 best progress in each year group- well done to everyone who has gained a certificate to take home for being in the top 3 for their year group for speed or progress!
Well done everyone - keep practising over the holidays to see if you can go up the charts!
Sports Update
PE Lessons
During our PE sessions each year group has been given the opportunity to test their stamina, agility, and coordination. It has been really pleasing to see the tremendous effort and determination shown by all pupils. A variety of sporting activities were used during the afternoon sessions. A combination of netball, football, badminton, skipping, basketball, Hockey, and running were set up to challenge small groups within their class bubble. Not only this, some classes have been using their cricket skills during PE. Lots of batting, bowling and fielding have been needed to test the pupils cricketing ability.
PE Stars
(19-03-21 / 26-03-21)
Year 3
JF - Pippa B / Aadhira
NH - Cleo / Vidhi
KJS - Zoe / Sam
Year 4
JSF - Daniel / Scarlett W
RL - Hashim / Ervin
KE - Hannah / Luke
Year 5
KM - Ted / Sammi
CHDP - Lilly / Shreya
FK - Ellen / Ollie G
Year 6
PM - Lucas / Sujan
HJ - Yvan / Scarlett
RTSS - Ava / Austin
Berkshire Games Martial Arts Results
For the Martial Arts events children had to participate in three different challenges that all related to Martial Arts and physical activity. Challenge 1 was side kicks, how many kicks could you do in 60 seconds. Challenge two was shuffle punches, jabbing forward left and right again for a time of 60 seconds. Lastly challenge 3 was core twists, this was all about core strength and stamina. The results for this event were released last week and I can now confirm that FPJS did extremely well across all year groups.
Ascot and Maidenhead Results:
Year 3 - 3rd place
Year 4 - 2nd place
Year 5 - 2nd place
YEAR 6 - 1st place!
Berkshire Games
Cricket Results
Event 4 was cricket skills, where children had to participate in three challenges which used throwing, catching and batting. Over 75% of FPJS took part in this event which is fantastic. The local results came back in this week and I am happy to say every year group picked up a medal winning position. A big well done to all who took part in at least 1 challenge over the last few weeks.
Mrs Winter and Mr Kemp can now put their feet up over half term, knowing how well we have competed for this last virtual event before the Easter break. Please do stay safe during your half term, stay active and stay hydrated.
Ascot and Maidenhead Results:
Year 3 - 1st place
Year 4 - 1st place
Year 5 - 2nd place
YEAR 6 - 1st place
YEAR 6 Berkshire county champions!
A huge congratulations and well done to all the year 6 pupils who took part and represented FP in the Virtual Cricket event. They finished 1st place in the whole of Berkshire, which is a huge achievement!
Year Group Updates
Year 3 News
We’ve come to the end of the Spring term and what a term it has been. Some of it at home and some in school, but all involving hard work and passion from everyone involved; including staff and parents and not least our wonderful year 3s.
We have completed our unit on multiplication but encourage all children to continue learning their times tables by regular use of TT rockstars, as times tables help with so many areas of maths. After Easter, we will be starting fractions where times table knowledge is also vital.
In English, we have completed our stories about Tarragon the dragon slayer focusing on using interesting sentence starters. We’ve also done experiments on light and shadows in science.
This week, we have spent a lot of time designing and making our own glove puppets. The children have learnt how to use a pattern, pin their material, cut carefully and sew the pieces together. We hope you will be as proud of their efforts as we are.
Well done to everyone on everything you have achieved this term. We wish you all a restful break and an Easter filled with chocolate and joy. We look forward to the summer term where there will be lots more fun in year 3!
Year 3- What are we learning?
Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:
English: What different types of sentence starters did we learn about? Clue - there were 3.
Maths: Test your child's times table knowledge.
RE: Tell your parents the Easter story.
Science: What is a shadow and how is it created? What do the words Opaque, translucent and transparent mean?
Year 4 News
What an exciting and busy end of term! We’ve experienced so many opportunities and have loved every second of being back together.
For Comic Relief, year 4 completed a whole range of tasks in our ‘Taskmaster Challenge’ including; untangling a human knot, backwards laps of the track, passing a ball around a circle using only our feet, standing up after 100 seconds without a timer and many more! It was a challenging competition with pride and Easter eggs up for grabs and the adults were very competitive. Class RL were the overall winners but we loved seeing everyone’s smiling faces and sharing in the laughter for a worthy cause.
Last week, we also enjoyed a body percussion workshop with Ollie Tunmer from the musical Stomp and investigated some mysterious goings on around the school after dinosaurs invaded the playground and laid an egg in the conservation area! As well as continuing our learning on fractions and decimals.
This week, we have been writing up our newspaper reports, making well balanced cous cous salads and learning about living creatures in the school pond and conservation area.
It has been a pleasure to have everyone back at school altogether and we have really enjoyed the fun experiences of the last week. Well done to every child in year 4 for settling back in so quickly and to every parent for supporting your child with their learning. We can’t wait to have you back after Easter. Enjoy the holidays!
Year 4- What are we learning?
Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:
Maths: Tell me the decimal equivalents for 1/4, 3/4 and 1/2?
English: What does the word chronological mean? Why is it important for a newspaper report?
DT: Tell me the five food groups that make up a balanced diet.
Science: What does the term classification mean?
Year 5 News
It's the end of a busy but productive term in Year 5. The children have done so well coming back to school and getting back into their routines.
The children have now finished their descriptive writing work in English using Shackleton's story of his adventure across Antarctica. We have since been comparing the impact of self esteem on Gru's day in Despicable Me and writing diary entries to correspond to his feelings.
In Maths we have been learning about shapes and angles. The children had great fun building their own Shape Towns using a variety of polyhedrons and other 3D shapes. They did very well at using their mathematical language to explain their creations.
In Science, the children have been desigining their own paper aeroplane experiments with the aim of ensuring they conduct a fair test. We have had great fun researching and building aeroplanes using a variety of designs and materials.
We have now come to the end of our Ancient Civilisations topic with the children researching the causes and effects of various historical events that interest them.
All of the Year 5 team wish you a restful and well deserved Easter holiday. We look forward to welcoming you back in the summer term with plenty more exciting learning opportunities!
Year 5 What are we learning?
Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:
Which of your paper aeroplanes was the most effective? Why?
Should you trust the history books or artefacts such as the Oracle Bones to learn about the Shang Dynasty? Why?
Can you name three different three dimensional shapes? Are they polyhedrons?
Year 6 News
It's all about mechanics in year 6 as we are making CAMs and mechanical devices and soon there will be the sound of saws and drills as they make their very own moving toy automata.
Thank you so much for the talent show entries for year 6 - so many children had a go and it was great fun to watch them all. Well done Max the winner in year 6.
We have now started our Battle of Britain topic so it's a good chance for the children to chat to grandparents or great grandparents about any memories or experiences they had during the war.
Things are looking very promising for the school play this year as the children have thrown themselves into learning the songs and dances - we are pre-auditioning in the classes and will hopefully cast just after Easter but children can bring home the scripts during the holidays.
Now we are back in the swing of things, we will be testing using old SATS papers over the next few weeks and this will enable us to see if there are areas we need to work on with the whole year group or different children as well as using teacher assessment from their work in lessons. We will also do another test in May ( when they would have been sitting SATs.
The wonders of Chichen Itza have been revealed by year 6 who have written fantastic persuasive leaflets about this Mayan wonder. Hopefully it won't be long before we can actually visit it !
Year 6 What are we learning?
Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:
Who was Carl Linneaus and what system did he come up with?
When was World War 2 and who fought who?
What is a CAM and how does it work ?
Easter Trail
With over 50 houses decorated all things Easter, you're sure to have an EGG-citing time whilst searching for as many Easter eggs within the displays around the Furze Platt area.
Our Easter themed map will also have a fun Easter activity sheet included for you to complete too. Using your map, you are to count and write down the number of eggs you find in each display and then add them all together.
Once you have your total, email it to fpsa.trail@gmail.com to go into the prize draw. The winner will be EGG-statically announced in our newsletter on Friday 23rd April.
How to participate:
When: Friday 2nd April - Sunday 18th April 2021
How: To receive a trail map please email fpsa.trail@gmail.com and then go and find as many eggs as you can!
Suggested £3 donation per map is to be made to our Just giving page:
We hope you have an EGG-cellent time! Thank you for your continued support.
Quick Links
Housepoints Update
Advice for parents & carers

Does your child show signs of anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling that children may experience which can cause worry or fear. This can be a combination of physical sensations, thoughts and feelings. All children can feel worried, and this is a normal part of growing up. At certain points, such as starting a new school or staying somewhere new, children may become more worried, but will normally be able to calm down quite quickly with or without support. Anxiety can become more of an issue when a child feels over-whelmed or distressed by their feelings and find their thoughts unmanageable. If this continues over a long period of time, they may begin to feel sad, depressed, exhausted or isolated, and this may affect their day-to-day routines. If your child is struggling with anxiety, please click on the link below which gives some excellent advice with how you can support them at home:

April Fools!
Did your child spot all of our April Fools' tricks today? Mr Kemp fooled a number of children he had broken his wrist, Mrs Fitzgibbon convinced her class they had tests all day long, and Miss Johnson convinced her class the carpet hadn't been cleaned properly and the children needed to take off their shoes! Other classes were fooled into completing a word search finding words which weren't there, and were also fooled that today's date was 32nd March!
However, we did have a fire drill practice- this was NOT an April Fool's trick! Great fun for the end of term at FPJS!