Furze Platt Infant School

Newsletter - 19th July 2023

 Summer holidays are here

Wow! What a brilliant year we have had in our school! 

It has been a wonderful to see how well our children have progressed. They have grown in so many ways and we are all very proud of what they have achieved this year. This is in no small measure due to the incredible support we have had from our parents and families throughout the past year. We are really very fortunate to be part of such a fantastic community! Thank you all! 

As you will also know, our school also has a very hard working and dedicated staff team who, once again this year, have all gone above and beyond to make sure every child in our school has the best possible start to their learning journey filled with so many exciting and engaging experiences. I cannot thank them enough for all their hard work and support.

We have celebrated the end of our academic year with some wonderful events in school...

Our Year 1 Excellent Ending event was a real showcase for the children's learning this term. After performing a selcetion of songs that literally took us all together on an adventure around the world, it was great that so many parents and family members were to be able to see and hear all about the things they had been doing as the children shared their project scrapbooks. The children's excitement and passion to share their learning was overhwhelming! 

Our Year 2 Summer Production, 'The Bee Musical' certainly created a real buzz around the whole school (sorry!) It was evident that the children thoroughly enjoyed putting on this performance from the energy and enthusiam that filled the school hall. Their confidence was a joy to see and it was so impressive that everyone had learnt their lines, dance moves and song lyrics so well! As we wish our Hazel, Holly and Willow Class children farewell - we send them on their way with our very best wishes for the next steps in their journey at FPJS. We are incredibly proud of you all! :)

Our Early Years Graduation yesterday brought our celebrations to a close for this year and it really was a lovely way for the children to mark the end of their first school year with us here at FPIS. The children's enthusiasm during their performance of 'Shake your tail-feather' was joyful to watch and so full of passion, energy and fun!

As the school year ends, I am sure that we are all very much looking forward to the summer break. Thank you once again for your continued support. I would like to wish you all a very happy, safe and restful summer holiday! :)

Jane Indge

Head of School

Thank you and goodbye for now!

What an emotional end to the year it has been!  The last few weeks have been absolutely jam packed with lots of wonderful events including a drumming workshop, transition activities, the Year 2 production and the Early Years Graduation to name but a few. 

This has been a very busy year at FPIS. Behind the scenes, Miss Dexter and Miss Hare, with their teams, have been working very hard on tweaking and rewriting our curriculum and am proud to say the teams have made excellent strides forward with embedding fantastic learning experiences and opportunities across all areas of curriculum for our children to enjoy. 

It is though, sadly for FPIS, time to say goodbye to our year 2 children. As we said to the year 2 last week, FPJS is a very lucky school to be receiving such confident, happy, independent and caring children. We have loved being part of their time at FPIS and we cannot wait to see them through their years at FPJS. Well done year 2, you have made us all proud!

We also want to say a huge thank you to all the staff at FPIS. Every day the staff do all that they can to give the children the best experiences possible. Our staff are such a passionate and supportive group of staff and we are incredibly proud of them too. When we reflect on life in schools, outside of Furze Platt that we have been part of over the years, we truly believe that our children get such wonderful enrichment and opportunities that other children may not. The staff show a passion in all that they do. Thank you to all the staff for being a part of this outstanding FPIS team!

We must also thank the FPSA who have done a fantastic job of continuing to raise additional funds which provide the icing on the cake for our pupils.  The team works tirelessly to support the environment, resources and school development for your children. Our new bike track is nearly completed and will be ready for the new Reception classes in September and we have even more exciting plans coming up, including developing our KS1 playground learning and play areas thanks to the money raised from all the FPSA events this year.

Finally thank you so much for the support, you, our families have given us!  Your feedback has been invaluable to continue the make FPIS the amazing school that it is!

Enjoy a wonderful summer everyone!  We cannot wait to see our reception and year 1 children back in September and we cannot wait to see our fabulous year 2 settle in the year 3 at FPJS!


Mike Wallace Louise Axford

Executive Headteacher Chair of Governors

Quick Links

Staffing updates and arrangements for 2023-24

As per our recent communication, we have taken the opportunity to look at our staffing structure for the coming year as we to continue drive forward and make our school the best it can be. We are really confident that with such a passionate and skilled team in place, 2023-24 is going to be a really positive year for our school!  Please see below for our classes and staffing structure for 2023-24.

Classes and teaching staff 2023-24.pdf

Welcome to the team!

Say hello to our new team member, Miss Ella Reike, our Silver Birch Class (Year 1) teacher, who joins us in September. 

We were delighted that Miss Reike was able to join us for our transition afternoon and meet her new class last week. I am sure that she will be a great addition to the staff team! 

We are sure you will join us in welcoming her to our school next year and we wish her every success for her new role.


We have said goodbye to Mrs Murphy, Caterpillar Class (Early Years) Teacher today. We would like to wish Mrs Murphy and her family the very best of luck with their exciting move to the North of England.

...And cheerio (for now)

Whilst Mrs Ratcliffe will no longer have a Class Teacher role in September, we will hopefully still be seeing her in school next year when she provides supply cover for our teachers. 

We have also said goodbye to Mrs Nisar, Year 1 Lunchtime Controller, today as she begins her Maternity Leave. We wish her well and look forward to news of her new arrival in the Autumn.

Diary dates - coming up next Year!

Here is a brief look at what's going to be happening in school during the first few weeks of the new school year:

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September - INSET days (school closed)

Wednesday 6th September - Term starts (Year 1 and Year 2 children only)

Wednesday 6th September - Early Years School Visit Appointments

Thursday 7th September - Early Years School Visit Appointments

Friday 8th September - Early Years School Visit Appointments

Monday 11th September - Early Years First Day of School - Morning Session Only (8:50 am - 12:00 pm)

Tuesday 12th September - Early Years - Morning Session Only (8:50 am - 12:00 pm)

Wednesday 13th September - Early Years - Morning Session Only (8:50 am - 12:00 pm)

Thursday 14th September - Early Years - Morning Session Only (8:50 am - 12:00 pm)

Friday 15th September - Early Years - Morning Session and Lunch (8:50 am - 1:15 pm)

Monday 18th September - Early Years - Full-time (8:50 am - 3:10 pm)

Monday 18th September - Year 1 Poetry Workshops with Simon Mole

Wednesday 20th September - SEND Coffee Morning for Parents and Carers (9:00 am - 10:00 am)

Friday 29th September - Early Years Information Session and Busy Learning Afternoon (2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)

Saturday 30th September - FPSA Early Years Tea Party

School Attendance

 SAM - our School Attendance Mascot, will be spending his Summer holiday in Holly Class as overall they had the best attendance for this academic year, with 97.2%! Well done!

Our school attendance figures for each class for the academic year are shown in the table. Our school attendance target is: 97%

Holly 97.2%

Oak 96.7%

Silver Birch 96.4%

Hazel 95.2%

Dragonfly 95.2%

Willow 95.1%

Beech 93.8%

Caterpillar 93.6%

Bumblebee 93.5%

FPIS SEND Signpost

FPIS Sports Day 2023

As recently reported in our previous newsletter, our very hot and sunny Sports Day was enjoyed by all - children and spectators alike.

Here are a few of our favourite photos from the afternoon event... read on to find out about our Sports Day Awards!

Sports Day Awards 2023

After such a successful Sports Day event, our class teachers were delighted to nominate one child in their class from each house team to receive a Sports Day Award. 

With our school values of Passion. Well-Being and Respect in mind, the awards were presented to children demonstrating an excellent attitude and teamwork, perseverance or resilience as well as physical skills. 

Each Head of House - Miss Dexter (Phoenix); Miss Hare (Monoceros); Mrs Singh (Draco) and Miss Edmondson (Pegasus) presented the awards in our special Sports Day Celebration Assembly. Well done to everyone! 

Uniform updates

From September, our Early Years children will be able to wear navy blue tracksuit bottoms to school - a practical option for busy learning outdoors - and in!

Our Year 1 and 2 children need to wear their PE kits to school on their PE days - as per below:

Year 1 PE - Monday and Thursday

Year 2 PE - Wednesday and Friday

This summer... keep on reading!

Summer Reading Challenge

We were very pleased to welcome Laura,  Library Supervisor for Boyn Grove Library to our assembly the other day. Laura talked to the children about this years Summer Reading Challenge - and was impressed by how keen our children were to get involved!

If you haven't signed up already, it's not too late. Please take a look at the leaflet below (and there's also some information about Maidenhead Library's 50th birthday Celebrations too!) 

You can also find out more via: https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/

Summer Reading Bingo

For a fun reading challenge this summer we love the Summer Bingo Challenge from Books for Topics - designed to keep children motivated to read over the summer holidays.

Summer Reading Bingo is an activity that keeps the focus on reading for pleasure experiences rather than specific texts, with activities like make a den and read inside, read in the dark using a torch and read to a pet or a soft toy. Children can choose what they read for the challenges, although there are some Summer 2023 recommended reads included for those looking for new ideas.

You can download your Bingo cards and find out more here: https://www.booksfortopics.com/resources/summer-reading-bingo/

Early Years Graduation

Our Bumblebees, Caterpillars and Dragonflies finished their Early Years journey with a fantastic graduation and celebration. They proudly shared songs to represent the projects from throughout their year, collected their certificates from Mrs Indge and finished it off with a dance! Our Early Years children showed such confidence and we were incredibly proud of them all. They were so excited to see so many grown-ups and had a great time performing and sharing their learning. Well done Early Years for a wonderful graduation and Reception year!

Early Years All About Bugs Poetry Workshop with Simon Mole

On Thursday 13th July our Early Years children took part in some Brilliant Bugs poetry workshops led by the local children's author Simon Mole. 

He began by performing some bug poems, engaging the children and encouraging them to join in. Simon then shared some woodlice facts and the children took part in a quiz in preparation for their whole class kenning style poem.  Following this, our Early Years worked together to think of names and characteristics for the poem, inspired by the facts that they had learnt about woodlice.Our Bumblebee, Caterpillar and Dragonfly classes then performed their ‘We Call You,’ poems together and many chose to create their own in Busy Learning. 

We were all so impressed with their creativity and enthusiasm. Simon helped to bring poetry to life for our young children and teachers too!

To find out more about Simon, including information on some events at local libraries over the summer, take a look at his website: www.simonmole.com  

Early Years children visiting Year 1

The Early Years children got the opportunity to visit Year 1 and participate in some outdoor learning. Some experts from Year 1 showed the Early Years children what we do and supported them in participating in the activities. It was amazing to see the confidence and enthusiasm from our Year 1 children. They were fantastic role models! Everyone had a brilliant time, and it was a great way for the Early Years children to meet the year 1 team and get a taster of what they have to look forward to in September!

Year 1 Excellent Ending

We were so proud of our Year 1 children as they performed a trio of songs about going on adventures, our continents and how to say hello in different languages. During our 'Look What We've Found Out!' event the children proudly shared their learning with their grown-ups. This included sharing their Project Scrapbooks, their wells made out of clay and their class habitats.

What a fantastic way to end a brilliant year. Well done Year 1's we are all proud of yo

Year 1 African Drumming Workshop

As part of our project ‘We’re Going on an Adventure’, the Year 1 children had a special visit from Isaac. We were learning about the continent of Africa and he brought a variety of African instruments for us to play. There were some Djembe drums in three different sizes, some Gankogui bells and some Ashakai shakers. The children loved playing “I like fish and chips” and “chicken korma” as Isaac set the beat to words and the children followed his lead and played a variety of different rounds.

Year 1 Tennis

The Year 1 children were lucky to take part in a tennis workshop. They were given the opportunity to develop some additional ball skills as they balanced a tennis ball on their rackets then completed a little obstacle course. They were then shown how to hold the racket and hit the tennis ball over the net. It was a fun day for the children and we definitely have some tennis superstars in the making!

Rabbi visits Year 1 Children

As part of our Religious Education curriculum, the Year 1 children have been learning about Judaism. They were visited by local Rabbi Zvi Solomons, who ran a workshop and introduced various aspects of Judaism. The children got to put on a kippah, as well as a prayer shawl. They got to see a reproduction of a Jewish scroll and were able to touch the ram’s horn also known as a Shofar that the Rabbi uses on Rosh Hashanah to welcome in the new year. We discussed Shabbat and the various aspects of home life for those that follow the Jewish faith. The Rabbi brought us some delicious challah bread which we were able to share and enjoy together.

Year 2 Family Boat Building Fun!

Throughout Summer 2, Year 2's have been busy learning about different ways to join materials together and material suitability for a boat. We linked this to learning about the Dunkirk evacuation rescue mission during World War Two. We designed, made, tested and evaluated our own boats with our very own English Channel (with choppy waves included!).

To celebrate the end of year 2 we invited our year 2 families in for a Family Boat Building Event. All families had 30 minutes to make a boat before it was tested. Our families braved heavy rain (in good spirits!!) to test their boats. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event even with the terrible weather! Well done to the winners and for everyone who took part! We are very lucky to have such brilliant support from our families! :-)

Year 2 - The Bee Musical!

Our Year 2 buzzing bees did such a fantastic job during our Summer Production called: The Bee Musical! We were so proud of their passion, commitment and determination to put on a fantastic show and they certainly achieved that! Over the last few they have been working hard on their costumes, props, dances, songs and their lines and their hard work certainly paid off!

The children all did a fantastic job; they were brave, passionate and entertaining. 

Well done buzzing bees...you pollinated beautifully! All that is left to say is..."doo, doo, doo...the nectar team!!"

Year 2 FPSA Disco!

Last Friday our Year 2 children had a final farewell party to celebrate their three years at FPI! All day the children were giving DJ Dexter song requests whilst busily planning their all important outfits! A great time was had by all as we danced the night away and celebrated being an AMAZING year 2 team! Thanks to the FPSA for organising and supporting the event! :-)

Nurture Group 

 In Nurture we are delighted to finally harvest some of the crops we have been growing this year. We picked broad beans, beetroot, carrots and peas which we were able to enjoy at snack time. Also, our flowering pots and beds look stunning as they rapidly grow and bloom. We are particularly impressed with our sunflowers which not only look amazing but are also great for bees, butterflies and other insects.

Our topic of 'My World' has continued and we have added more to our world map including animals, foods. and flags.

What an absolutely fabulous year our nurture children have had. Mrs Barker, Mrs Middleton, Mr Thompson and Mrs Din are all so proud of everything they have achieved, we wish our year 2s well as they move up to the junior school and look forward to seeing the current early year and year 1 children in September. 

School Council

In School Council we have been busy taking a look at our Log park again and thinking about how we can make it even better! Firstly we had a look at some different pieces of trim trail equipment and discussed what we liked about them. We then shared our views with our classes so we could vote for our top 3 choices! We are excited to see what the future holds for Log park!

A big well done to our School Council representatives for all their hard work this year. They have been such a great help in making some big decisions for our school and have been a fantastic team!

School Council 2022-23

Eco Team

We have really enjoyed Eco Club this year and the class representatives have been great Eco ambassadors for our school. The children have led our Eco programme this year as they have had such brilliant ideas of how we can make our school more Eco friendly.

We  have focused mainly on our school environment and making sure that  recycle. We are particularly proud of our battery initiative and we have now collected over 100 batteries.  Please keep collecting as the more we recycle the more money we are able to collect for our school!

Since we highlighted the need to use less electricity through 'Switch Off Fortnight' we have monitored the classrooms and general areas and are pleased that we are saving on electricity. 

We have been busy gardeners watering and weeding our growing beds as well as thinning out our seedlings. Last week we were delighted to harvest our beetroot and eat out tasty produce!

Thank you to our amazing team and we hope that everyone has a happy summer enjoying our wonderful world.

Eco Team 2022-23 

FPJS Guitar Concert

It was wonderful to welcome Mr Hastings and children from FPJS with their guitars for a special live performance recently. The children impressed us all with their playing skills and it was wonderful to see so many of our former FPIS pupils once again, of course! Thank you to all the children and to Mr Hastings for organising this event. Well done to Eduardo and Lucas also for their brilliant solo performances.

NEW! Sports equipment 

Our thanks to Mrs Young, an FPPF parent, for submitting a successful bid to Centrica on our behalf for funding for sports equipment. We now have a new class set of large balls for use in PE lessons as well as more sit-on scooters (complete with paddles!) which have been so popular with the children during lunchtimes. Other items purchased include: cannon catch ball launchers; ribbon twirls; bubble wands and a new basketball for our MUGA. 

Wish list book donations - THANK YOU!

We have received more than 40 new books, donated via our Amazon Wish List - which is absolutely incredible! Thank you so much. Your generous gifts will help and no doubt inspire our children to become passionate and enthusiastic readers, whilst further enriching our projects in each year group. Thank you :)

Wonderful Wildlife!

In our final newsletter of this year, Mr Vogel shares his favourite local places, caught on camera, for good wildlife-spotting over the Summer holidays.
Wonderful Wildlife#15 Mr Vogel's top wildlife hot spots in our local area

Awesome achievements!

Well done to Isaac who is proudly sharing 3 football medals! His football team Maidenhead Raiders have been playing really well in tournaments and winning lots of games! 

Well done to Elvis who was awarded this trophy at his end of year football club's awards, in recognition of his fantastic goalkeeping skills!  We are very proud of you !

Ted was awarded this swimming certificate and badge because he had completed his level 3 skills, such as swimming the front crawl.  Well done Ted, a fantastic achievement!

Congratulations to Myles who was awarded this football medal because at his football club, as well as working hard on his skills, he has been helping others and setting a really good example.  Well done Myles! 

Well done to James who has received his Level 2 Water Skills certificate! He has been working really hard with his swimming and we are all very proud! 

Congratulations to Freya who has achieved two brilliant achievements! Freya has completed her Level 2 Water Skills and also received her Rainbow badge! Well done Freya!

Sophie was very proud to receive her water safety certificate for challenging herself during her swimming lessons. She told us "I jumped in the deep end!" Well done Sophie, keep it up!

Amber has been working really hard on her kickboxing and achieved her yellow stipe belt. She showed us some of her super kickboxing moves and we were all impressed. Well done Amber!

Holden was so proud to receive his level 3 swimming award! He has been working really hard to follow the instructions and has been doing some super swimming. Well done Holden!

Bonnie achieved a certificate for showing off her brilliant swimming skills. Well done Bonnie, you have been working so hard on your swimming and it is great to see how proud you are of your awesome achievement. 

Congratulations to Ibrahim who is proudly wearing his (huge) kick boxing medal that he has received! Ibrahim shared with us all the moves he has been practising. Keep up the hard work Ibrahim!

Congratulations to Sienna who has completed Little Tanks Drama club! "It was so much fun, I was a narrator and told the story." Well done Sienna!

Edie achieved her stage 1 certificate for swimming and was very pleased with herself. We look forward to hearing all about you working towards stage 2 certificate which is jumping into the water. Well done Edie!

 Frances achieved a certificate and badge for her fantastic swimming skills and for jumping into the pool. She was so proud to tell us about how hard she has been working. Frances also shared her Master Builder achievement award from Lego club. Well done!

Matthew was proud to share his drama award for taking part in a performance and remembering all of his lines brilliantly! Great job Matthew!

Joshua was proud to share his gymnastics star of the week award. He has been working hard to improve his skills and showed a talent for gymnastics! Well done Josh!

We are very proud of Isaac for achieving his green belt in martial arts!  He had to complete a series of skills.  Congratulations to you!

Well done to Edwin who was awarded this football medal for all of his effort and determination throughout the term!  We are very proud of you!

Well done to Joshua who worked hard all term at our football club and achieved this medal.  We are very proud of you!

Congratulations to Maya who was awarded her orange tag at her recent kickboxing grading!  She was also proud to receive her football medal for her dedication to improving her skills!  We are very proud of you!

Well done to Ted for all of his hard work and effort that he put into his football skills this term and was awarded this medal!  We are very proud of you!

Isaac has achieved an incredible 1000 day streak on DoodleMaths!  His dedication to improving his maths facts has certainly paid off!  He also received a medal for working hard at football this term.  We are very proud of you!

Congratulations to Amaya who is proudly sharing three gymnastics medals she has received! "I had to do a floor routine and a handstand!" Well done Amaya, we are very proud of you!

A big well done to Emily who is proudly wearing her gymnastic medals she has been awarded. "I got first place for my handstand!" Excellent effort Emily, keep it up!

Well done to Dulcie who is proudly sharing her gymnastics medal for participation and a judges award for being a great gymnast. "I was really brave and confident." Congratulations Dulcie! 

Congratulations to Martha who is proudly sharing her 30 day Wild Challenge. "I had to fill in the 30 days grid to show what I did outside. One of the things I did was playing football outside." Well done Martha great work! 

Well done to Poppy who shared her new red belt she has been awarded in Kickboxing. "I had to know how to do my one, two, three and four and I had to try my hardest." Well done Poppy, super effort! 

Barney was awarded a medal in rugby for being a good team player and for showing perseverance and determination throughout the game. What an awesome athlete!

Teddy has been awarded a medal for completing all the football challenges this season. He worked really hard and listened carefully to his coach. Great work Teddy!

Isla has not one, not two, but three awesome achievements! She has been a particularly awesome athlete in her kick boxing, swimming and cricket lessons. Well done Isla and keep up the hard work!

Aarya has worked incredibly hard in her swimming lessons this term and is getting more confident in the water every day. She has been awarded a lovely certificate for all her hard work. Great job Aarya!

Deekshana was awarded a certificate for working on front crawl and back stroke in swimming. Great work Deekshana!

Maya has completed a term at Little Tanks and gave a stellar performance in their end of term production. Great work Maya!

Isla has not one, not two, but three awesome achievements! She has been a particularly awesome athlete in her kick boxing, swimming and cricket lessons. Well done Isla and keep up the hard work!

Bryony has also received an All Stars Cricket medal for batting well. and working on throwing and catching in her cricket club. Keep up the great work Bryony!

Bryony received her Stage 1 swimming certificate. She had to blow bubbles and swim all the way from one end to the other of the pool. Well done Bryony!

Ethan has been super brave at swimming and his hard work and perseverance has paid off with a certificate and a badge. Well done Ethan!

Liliana was awarded Star of the Week in gymnastics for mastering how to do a backwards roll. What a star!

Daisy participated in the End of Year Drama Show and was awarded a certificate for doing a great job! She also received a certificate for completing three different sewing activities. She made a pillow for Daddy, a Minion and a pencil case. WOW! Well done, Daisy!

Aahel received a medal for working hard at football this term. Well done!

George has performed at Little Tanks after spending a term working hard with his drama class. Great work George!

Ben has been an excellent athlete and awarded a medal after his hard work and dedication during football this term. Great job Ben!

Congratulations to Sebby who is proudly sharing TWO football medals he was awarded at iPro Football. "I got them for scoring lots of goals and helping other people." Well done Sebby! 

A big well done to Bella-Rose who won this medal for taking part in her ballet show. She has been working hard at her ballet classes and was so brave which impressed her grown up's! Keep it up Bella-Rose!

Congratulations to Sophie who was awarded a medal for her hard work and skills shown in gymnastics when taking part in a competition. Well done Sophie, I know you have been working really hard! 

Congratulations to Mollie for getting a Distinction in her Ballet exam! "It was my second exam and I really enjoyed it." Well done Mollie, we are so proud of you!

Well done to Rayan for completing Games club! "My favourite game was chess! I learnt a lot of new rules." We are glad you had lots of fun!

Another well done to James for receiving 3 football medals and a trophy for building an excellent boat at our 'Family Boat Building Fun!' 

House Points

Monoceros win the House Cup!

Our congratulations to Monoceros for earning the most house points overall this term - an impressive 523 in total! Well to doner everyone for a super team effort! :)

Head of School Awards

Every Friday, during our whole school Celebration Assembly, Head of School awards are given out to a child or children in each class. The certificates are presented by Mrs Indge to those children who have consistently demonstrated excellent behaviours for learning.

Head of School Awards 19th July.pdf


Miss Dexter pops on her Superhero cape each week during Celebration Assembly to present our SuperPoWeR awards. The awards are given to children who have been demonstrating excellent behaviour through our school values of Passion, Well being and Respect. 

Super-PoWeR Awards 19th July 2023.pptx.pdf

Book Bingo!

Every week, during our Head of School Assembly, a bingo ball is selected from our special red bag. The bingo balls are numbered 1 - 30. Each child in Year 1 and 2 with the corresponding register number to the ball chosen will have the opportunity to bring their Maths book and Project scrapbook to share with Mrs Indge, Miss Dexter and Miss Edmondson later that week. During the Book Bingo session, the children spend time looking through the books together with the adults, whilst discussing and explaining what they have been busy learning about.

FPSA update

Last Friday, the Infants hall was filled with over 80 year two children boogieing away to pop songs played by DJ Dexter. A couple of confetti cannons at the end added to the fun with the event raising ~£600.

The FPSA also helped out at both evening performances of the year 6 play by selling refreshments during the interval and beforehand too.

The FPSA would like to thank all parents, carers, teachers and children who have supported all of our events in the 2022/2023 academic year. This includes our recent summer fair which has after all raised over £10,000!

We have a busy autumn & winter planned with the annual Early Years Tea Party, Mr T's Quiz Night, Junior Discos and of course the Christmas Fair. 

See you in September!

Useful Information for Parents and Families

stay safe this summer.pdf
Maidenhead Library 50th advertisment poster.pdf
1970s Storytime and Crafts and Games A4 PRINT READY.pdf
Flyer Summer Camps (2).pdf
Adult cycling with confidence A5 25-05-23.pdf
Maidenhead Intros (1).pdf
uSports May Half Term & Summer Holiday Camps.pdf
LL advert.pdf

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