What To Do at This Station?

  1. Start by looking at the image below.
  2. Explore some of the additional resources provided.
  3. Make a copy of this Google Doc. Then fill in your answers as you discuss these questions with your table-mates:
    1. Collaborate as a group. List a few classroom examples of each level of SAMR you’ve seen in your own school.
    2. Where do you think a majority of teachers in your building are on the SAMR scale on the average classroom day? Where are you?
    3. Reflect on your own practice. What strategies can you use to "go deeper" with your classroom integration? What lesson, unit, or activity could you try this with?
  4. Share the best ideas and takeaways from your group discussion on the Padlet board here:

Sylvia Duckworth’s Sketchnote of SAMR in the Ocean (pictured at the top)- A lot of schools have begun to educate teachers about SAMR as a framework for thinking about how deep (no pun intended 😉 ) they are taking their technology integration. There are tons of resources for SAMR if you do a Google search, but this image is my favorite because it is such a clear picture of what different levels of technology integration can do for a learning experience. I walk teachers through SAMR and give them classroom examples of each level of SAMR that I have seen in their classrooms. I also reassure teachers that depending on the day and what is best for that lesson, they may be all over the SAMR spectrum. For instance, some days no tech will be the best way to teach a lesson. The problem comes in if we are only hanging out in the shallow end (man, I did it again) and never giving our students experiences in the modification and redefinition zones. We want to be in the modification and redefinition areas as much as possible because that’s how technology can truly make our classrooms transformative.

(This passage is from Katie Siemer's blog post: 9 Resources to Help Teachers Dig Deeper with Technology Integration.)

Additional SAMR Resources


Click the link to the right to add your takeaways from the group discussion to the Padlet.