Find your Direction
Find your Direction
Find your Direction
#FTPolaris19 is the second iteration of the Polaris Project, a project designed to help teachers guide their own learning and project development using design thinking strategies.
At the heart of this project is the idea that through empathic understanding and sharing we can create practices and projects that will engage all learners with whom we work in new and exciting ways.
Throughout the course of the #FTPolaris19 cycle, participants take a deep dive into the Fort Thomas Portrait of a Graduate and will work through design thinking strategies to share understanding, goals, and project development to take our ideas and learning further.
- Develop a project that supports the District Mission and Vision and GUIDES your students to develop enduring dispositions as related to the Fort Thomas Portrait of a Graduate
- PD Academy, August 13 - 3 hour initial training in Design Thinking and Portrait of a Graduate
- 6 Required After School Meetings on Thursdays throughout the year (that could count as flexible PD, or possibility of compensation)
- Certification of Choice - participants will work to earn either an Apple Teacher Certification (iPad, Mac or Swift Playgrounds) or Google Certification (Level 1, 2 or Trainer) - participants optionally may work with smaller break out groups through training modules
- Additional coaching meetings and small group break out meetings on an as needed basis for project development and certification
- Possibility of some "flipped" learning style activities, videos or readings to make best use of face to face time
- First choice to attend with condition that you will apply to present at KySTE March 13-15, 2019 - participants are encouraged to apply to present in some capacity
- First choice to attend ISTE Philadelphia, June 23-26 (* eligibility contingent on completion of fulfilling expectations & availability of space)
- Develop as leaders at the school level to share successful integration
- Recognition of work at the June 2019 School Board Meeting
Good Projects
Good Projects
- Relate to one of your passions as teachers
- Other teachers in district could use information that you learn with their classes
- Use digital tools in unique ways
- Test your comfort level