Qualification Information

Primary Talent Pool Program

Students may qualify for the PTP program beginning in Kindergarten. In order to qualify for the PTP Program, students must first be referred to the program by a classroom teacher.

  • Students are then selected using a selection committee (with representatives from each school) based on a number of items including (but not limited to): Teacher Recommendation, Work Samples and Rating Scales.
  • Parents are notified via a mailing if the child qualifies.

QUEST Program

Academic, Intellectual, Creativity, Leadership

Students may qualify for the Quest Program beginning in 4th grade. In order to qualify for the QUEST Program, students must first be referred to the QUEST Program by a classroom teacher.

  • Upon referral, students are selected using a selection committee (with representatives from each school).
  • The following are taken into consideration: Standardized Test Scores, Rating Scales, Work Samples, and/or Teacher Observations.
  • Parents are notified via a mailing if their child qualifies.

QUEST Program

Visual Arts, Performing Arts

Students may qualify for the QUEST Program beginning in 4th grade. In order to qualify for the QUEST Program, students must first be referred to the QUEST Program by a classroom teacher.

  • Upon referral, students are invited to participate in the fall district auditions.
  • Parents will receive necessary audition information for the referred art area and are invited to schedule an audition appointment on the designated Saturday.
  • The following are taken into consideration: Audition Results, Rating Scales, Portfolios, Student Demonstrations, Critiques of Previous Performances, Letters of Recommendation, and/or Teacher Observations.
  • Parents are notified of the audition results by mail.