Read below for dates and descriptions of HMS Resource Program Services.  For additional outside of school opportunities, don't forget to check out this page

*Please note that units below are subject to change. 

Visual and Performing Arts

HMS QUEST Visual Arts

In Collaboration with artist Chad Turner

Story Creation through Art

Through this workshop, students will learn how to tell a story through art with comics, storyboarding and animation.   Students will apply techniques to their own artwork based on Pixar and Disney along with other animation companies.  

Some topics covered through this workshop will include: 

1. Storyboarding 

2 comics 

3. flip books 

4. stop motion animation 

5. cell animation  with background art 

6 creating a character that can tell a well rounded story

HMS QUEST Performing Arts

In Collaboration with CCM Prep at University of Cincinnati 

The Art of Feelings

Have you ever thought about how your feelings can lead to creativity? Maybe you've written a poem, or created a dance, or improvised on your instrument, or found your voice in song or spoken word. Thoughts, feelings, and a variety of emotions have informed artists across time and the world. Join us for the 2021-22 QUEST to we explore how we can use our emotions to create something new and uniquely yours.

Leadership, General Intellectual Ability and Creativity

HMS QUEST Leadership

The Power of  One: Social Entrepreneurship

  This workshop will focus on studying different people whose ideas and organizations leap beyond charity to find systemic solutions to poverty, education, health, and social justice.  Students will learn how to develop a plan for their own “mini social entrepreneurship” idea.  Then, they will learn how to apply the idea of social entrepreneurship to their everyday lives. The unit will consist of two half-day sessions lead by Mrs. Greenwood.  

An option to attend a leadership symposium (hosted by the Northern Kentucky Association of Gifted Education) will be provided to all leadership students as well.  More information about this will be forthcoming via email.

HMS QUEST Creativity/General Intellectual Ability

Think Tanks

Middle School Creativity and General Intellectual students will participate in “Think Tanks”, which is a name given to organizations whose chief business is research and development.   Students will form teams, negotiate projects, record creative ideas for products or services, and receive payment.  Payment is divided between individuals, who can occasionally earn extra points through ‘showdown sessions’.

Academic Services

Social Studies


Have you ever watched a news story that you really agreed or disagreed with and wanted to share your opinion with others? Have you ever watched watched senators and U.S. Represenatives on T.V. and wished that was you making the decisions? In this unit, you will have the opportunity to share your opinions and make decisions about what is best for our state and our country. You will be a part of a House of Represenatives simulation, where you will be delivering speeches, passing or defeating bills and debating hot topics. 



Oliver Wendell Holmes once said “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions”.  Throughout this workshop, you’ll be able to stretch your mind with the endless possibilities of Zometools, a construction building set.  Students will be exploring Zometools with different challenges that include Platonic and Archimedean solids as well as the world of Fractals.  Lab activities with Zometools such “bubble zometools” and other ideas will be incorporated.  Explore the world of geometry and advanced numbers with Zometools!

HMS QUEST Language Arts

Game Design Workshop- Developed by MIT

Through this workshop, students will act as game developers for a large game development company.  They will use the engineering design process to create and write instructions for a new and interesting board game other middle school students can enjoy.  Reviewing the basic components and mechanics of a game;, writing a rule set, testing the newly developed game; and reflecting on the developed game will all be a part of the design process involved in the Game Design Workshop.  

Students will come away from this experience gaining an understanding of expository writing, including strategy through game design


Mystery Disease- A problem based interactive learning experience

It is early September in the year 2023.  The fair has just ended and school has begun.  What would normally be a time of getting back to routine, has become a total panic.  A disease has been sweeping through the small community of Jamestown.  The hospitals are filling up with people exhibiting similar symptoms.  Was the disease from the fair?  Was the disease from surrounding farms?  As a part of the Jamestown health staff, students must examine the evidence and make recommendations to save the lives of people who have contracted the disease. They must hurry, before too many lives are lost! 

 This open-ended unit will draw students into a real-life drama.  From day to day and hour to hour, students will be making decisions that will affect other's lives.  Join us in a journey through the crazy and dramatic world of healthcare!

2021 2022 QUEST Calendar