To help expand vocabulary, we will have a vocabulary test every week. The vocabulary words and definitions will be sent home in your child's newsletter and will be on my website. It is important that your child doesn't just memorize these words and definitions.

The first part of the vocabulary test will be matching words to definitions. The second part will be reading sentences that have a word missing. Students will need to be able to complete the sentence with a vocabulary word that correctly completes the sentence.

List 1

  • aside- moved to one side

  • colorful- something that has lots of different colors

  • confusing- something that is hard to understand

  • culture- people who share the same way of life at a certain time in history

  • fair- when you treat someone in a just and honest way

  • invited- when you ask someone to do something or go somewhere

List 2

  • language- the way we speak, read, write, or sign

  • noticed- something this is seen

  • overflowing- something that goes over the edge

  • plead- to beg or argue to get what you want

  • scurries- to scamper or run quickly

  • share- to give part of something to someone else

  • tasty- pleasing to your sense of taste

List 3

  • actions- things someone or something does

  • afraid- the feeling of being scared of something

  • awkward- something that causes problems or is embarrassing

  • depend- when you need or count on someone or something

  • nervously- acting in a fearful or restless way

  • outrageous- something that is very shocking

List 4

  • panic- the sudden bad feeling you get when you are frightened

  • peered- looked hard or closely at something

  • perfectly- something that is done in the best possible way

  • relief- being freed from discomfort or pain

  • rescue- saving something from danger

  • secret- something that is private or not known by many people

  • squawked- loud, harsh sound

List 5

  • check- to look at something closely to make sure it is right

  • choose- to decide on one thing rather than another

  • chores- small jobs that you do around the house

  • cost- how much you have to pay for something

  • customers- people who buy something from a store or company

  • exchange- to trade one thing for another

List 6

  • homework- schoolwork that you do after school at home

  • jobs- work that people do to earn money

  • lucky- when good things happen to you

  • members- people who belong to a group or club

  • spend- to use money to buy or pay for things

  • tools- the equipment used to make or repair things

  • treasure- something of great value

List 7

  • guide- to lead or show someone how to do something

  • leader- the one who is in charge of a group

  • protect- to keep something safe

  • provide- to give someone what they need

  • separate- to divide people or things, or to keep them apart

  • adult- a person or animal that is fully grown

List 8

  • alive- something that is living

  • covered- something all over

  • fur- thick animal hair

  • giant- something that is very large

  • groom- to clean others

  • mammal- any warm blooded animal that feeds milk to its babies

  • offspring- the children or young of people or animals

List 9

  • affection- to like someone or something

  • crave- to want something very much

  • frustrated- the feeling of being discouraged because something is hard

  • nourishment- what you get from healthful foods

  • seek- to look for

  • believe- thinking something is true

List 10

  • delicious- something that tastes very good

  • feast- when you eat a large or fancy meal

  • fond- when you like something

  • lessons- things you can learn from

  • remarkable- wonderful or outstanding

  • snatch- to grab quickly

  • stories- made-up tales

List 11

  • artist- someone who makes drawings, paintings, or things like statues

  • celebration- a party, parade, or another activity to honor an important day or event

  • commented- explained something or gave an opinion

  • community- a group of people who live together in the same place

  • mural- a large picture painted on a wall

  • across- from one side to the other

List 12

  • borrow- to take something and agree to return it later

  • countryside- land that is away from cities or large towns

  • idea- a thought or plan you have

  • insists- to say firmly that it must be done

  • solution- a way to answer a problem

  • villages- very small towns in the country

List 13

  • exactly- without any mistake

  • present- show or tell about something before an audience

  • reports- tell or write about something you've heard

  • telescopes- an object that makes things far away seem closer and larger

  • total- the whole or entire thing

  • adventure- something exciting or unusual

List 14

  • delighted- to feel pleased about something

  • dreamed- something you imagine happening

  • enjoyed- to like doing something

  • grumbled- to complain

  • moonlight- the moon's glow

  • neighbor- a person who lives near you

  • nighttime- the dark part of the day

List 15

  • communicate- to send and receive messages

  • festivals- special events to celebrate something

  • respect- high regard or honor

  • squeezing- pushing hard on the sides of something

  • tradition- a custom or belief that is passed down

  • cheered- shouted with happiness or praise

List 16

  • concert- a performance by musicians or singers

  • instrument- a tool used to do or make something

  • movements- ways of moving

  • music- the pleasing sounds made by a singer or musical instrument

  • rhythm- the repeating accents of sounds or movements to create a beat

  • sounds- noises that can be heard

  • understand- when you know what something means

List 17

  • accompanies- to go together or go along with

  • assigns- to give out a task or job

  • crowded- where there are many people

  • locker- a small closet or cabinet to keep your things

  • usual- when something happens often or is expected

  • common- something that is owned or shared by people

List 18

  • costume- clothing you wear to look like something or someone else

  • customs- ways of acting or events that a group of people have done over and over again

  • favorite- something that you like the best

  • parade- large groups of people, including bands, moving through a public place for a special event

  • surrounded- closed in on all sides by something else

  • travels- to go over or through a place

  • wonder- to think about something because you are curious

List 19

  • carved- to shape by cutting

  • glide- to move smoothly or slide along

  • sphere- a shape that is like a ball

  • suddenly- happening very fast without warning

  • surface- the outside of anything

  • active- something that is lively

List 20

  • Earth- the planet we live on

  • explode- to burst loudly and with a lot of force

  • island- land that has water all around it

  • local- nearby

  • properties- the different ways things look or act

  • solid- something that keeps its shape

  • steep- a very sharp slope