These are skills taught in 2nd grade to all students. Some of these skills were taught prior to 2nd grade and some will continue to be taught in 3rd grade. As you can see, we have a lot to do in 2nd grade. Parents can help by ensuring that their child read at night as well as engaging in conversation throughout their child's reading.

  • Establish purpose for reading
  • Generate questions about text (before, during and after reading)
  • Make and correct/confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structures of text
  • Create mental images
  • Make connections (text to self, text to text, text to world)
  • Make inferences
  • Key ideas and details
  • Synthesize information
  • Monitor comprehension and make adjustments
  • Determine theme using text evidence
  • Character traits (internal and external)
  • Plot/main events
    • introduction, rising actions, climax, falling actions, resolution/conclusion
  • Describe the importance of setting
  • Explain visual patterns and structures in poems
  • Elements of drama
    • characters, dialogue, setting
  • Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text
  • Central idea (main idea)
  • Chronological order (sequence of events)
  • Cause and effect
  • Fact and opinion
  • Author's Purpose
    • descriptive, literal, and figurative language
    • imagery
    • first or third person text
    • repetition